
Increasing optimism around house prices and household finances drives consumer confidence upUEFA is courting crypto sponsors for the Champions League – here’s why it makes senseTop car makers among eco-conscious AmericansUnlock the secrets of QRIS in IndonesiaThe 2024 media morph in ThailandGenki Sushi launches limited-edition brand merchandise: has the charity drive boosted the brand?From sex to exercise, here are the things that Brits are most likely to track using apps and techCrypto comes to GrabPay: How common is cryptocurrency ownership in Singapore?Young Sheldon, The Blacklist and Resident Alien: The most-streamed TV in America, February 2024One Day, The Big Bang Theory and Friends: The most-streamed TV in the UK, February 2024Who are America’s healthy snackers and how can food brands reach them?UK businesses’ key growth strategies for the next 12 months8 fascinating insights on Taylor Swift’s American fanbase7 data-driven insights on Taylor Swift’s British fan baseMarch Madness by the numbers – A overview of its fans and viewing habitsMontadoras investem bilhões em carros elétricos para o Brasil, mas o público está interessado?One in five young British adults expect to retire before 60Fortnite's return to iOS amidst changing gamer perceptions in BritainZu Ostern hat Lindt die (Osterhasen)-Nase vornBrasil: O que está planejado para o feriado de Páscoa?One brand has seen consideration shoot up as men’s skincare enters mainstreamDia Mundial da Reciclagem: 69,1% dos latinos sempre reciclam, e o resto do mundo?Día Mundial del Reciclaje: 69.1% de los latinos siempre procura reciclar, ¿y el resto del mundo?How Adidas and Nike convert sponsorship into engagement in the USDeutschlands stärkste Marken in 2023Herausforderungen im Gesundheitswesen: Blick durch die Patientenbrille57.1% de los mexicanos dicen automedicarse: ¿Quiénes lo hacen más seguido?México: Preferencias para las vacaciones esta Semana SantaSchmunzelhase? Goldhase? Oder lieber ein Hase aus Kinder-Schokolade?Expectations for retirement in the US – A look at what Gen Z and Millennials thinkPatientenperspektive im Kontext des bevorstehenden VersorgungsengpassesAPAC’s cost-of-living crisis: What products are consumers most likely to cut back spending on?APAC’s cost-of-living crisis: How worried are consumers of inflation eroding their spending power?13% der jungen Schweizer mit ungedecktem TherapiebedarfNur wenige können KI-Chatbots von Menschen unterscheidenSuper Mario Bros. ist Biggest Buzz Mover in Videogames: März 202438% of Britons self-medicate – why do they choose to do it?Hohe Kunden-Loyalität für Tech-Hersteller HTCUK’s biggest brand movers (March 2024): Pre-Easter liftoff for Lotus Biscoff, Cadbury Crème EggAPAC Biggest Brand Movers – February 2024Das Sport Buzz Ranking von YouGov: Frauen-Fußball-Nationalmannschaft erneut an der SpitzeKSA's Biggest Brand Movers: February 2024UAE's Biggest Brand Movers: February 2024Das wünscht sich die Schweizer Bevölkerung von der PolitikDia de São Patrício: apenas 4.6% dos brasileiros compram bebidas alcoólicas diariamenteDeutsche lehnen Geschenkbox-Abos eher abReiseinspiration liefern vor allem Freunde und FamilieWeniger Spiele-Spaß dieses JahrDurstlöscher Wasser - diese Marken überzeugen die DeutschenWenig Sorge um “Shrinkflation“ in DeutschlandFan Profile: Who are NASCAR fans and how do they respond to sponsorshipJeder dritte Schweizer befürwortet präventiven Abschuss von Wolfsrudeln – Ältere am häufigstenFinland's strongest brands in 2023Sweden's strongest brands in 2023US Biggest Brand Movers - March 2024US retail rankings report 2024Dia do Consumidor: O que e como se compra on-line no Brasil?No Brasil, a popularidade do São Paulo dispara e domina o Football Buzz Movers fevereiro de 2024Con racha, Cruz Azul fue el equipo que más creció en popularidad en México durante febrero de 2024Examining the awareness and impact of shrinkflation on consumer behaviors in the USDreaming of zzz's: How are Britons improving their sleep quality?52% of Americans say they sleep 7+ hours a night, but many want even more time in bedGlobal Sports RankingYouGov APAC Best Brand Rankings 2024 - Part 2Pining for Pinners: US Pinterest Report 20242 Français sur 5 roulent ou aspirent à rouler à l’électriqueJet-setting for Eid 2024​India's Biggest Brand Movers: February 2024Is the Comic Relief Telethon still relevant today? Britons weigh inJO de Paris 2024 : porte-drapeau, cérémonie d’ouverture, espoirs de médaillesWhat are the top sleep hacks people around the world use to get better rest?How long do most people sleep globally – and which regions feel most sleep deprived?Día de San Patricio: En México se bebe más que el promedio global (pero no es donde más se toma)México: ¿Cuál es la fórmula para dormir mejor?UK most in-demand TV and film for February 1-15, 2024Most in-demand TV and film in America for February 1-15, 2024Where does 'British made' factor in grocery shoppers’ food preferencesCanada best brand rankings 2024Most Britons who have worn VR headsets think they look uncoolHow are British attitudes to income and budgeting changing?Ryanair's Consideration scores hold steady despite low consumer perception scoresAirbnb ist Biggest Buzz Mover von YouGov im MärzYouGov Charity Rankings 2024 - AustraliaTata Tea tops YouGov’s Ad of the month ranking In FebruaryRanking de mejores marcas de México 2024Ranking das melhores marcas do Brasil em 202416% of British workers do not save any income towards pensionHow advertising resonates with America’s festival fansHow much does an average American worker save for pension?Thailand’s Most Talked-About Brands (February 2024)How are consumers likely to foot the bill for their next vehicle?Top domestic vacation destinations for AmericansVideogames e bebidas apresentam as melhores estratégias publicitárias do Brasil em fevereiro de 2024100 Jahre Rama –Jeder sechste Deutsche ist aktueller KundeFootball Buzz Movers – January 2024: Arsenal fly highTrust declines as UK car owners navigate PCP financing scandalCadbury’s shrinking Animals had a not-so-sweet impact on its brand perceptionsJede zweite Frau findet, dass Frauen in Deutschland aufgrund ihres Geschlechts diskriminiert werdenAre VAR errors a good reason to replay a football match? Fans say noFootball fans divided on the scrapped “blue card”YouGov Best Brand Rankings 2024Google Pay replaces Google Wallet in the US – User insights and preferencesUAE’s February Advertiser of the Month: Which brands made it to the top?MWC 2024: What Britons think of smart rings, robot dogs – and moreOver a third of consumers would swap their telecom services for bundles that include SVOD servicesA quarter of consumers in markets around the world ‘often struggle to make ends meet’39% of consumers okay with paying more for sustainable fitness and sports equipmentWhat are the most popular music genres around the world?Nearly a third of consumers think AI has improved workplace productivitySMS, texts, mobile calls: The most preferred modes people use to keep in touch with their loved onesWhat causes sports gamblers to stop using some online sportsbooks?Will Apple’s sports app play bear fruit in Britain?Singaporeans back “Oppenheimer” to win 5 of 6 proposed Oscars categoriesCadbury Creme Egg, Samsung and Tesco Whoosh feature as advertisers of the month for February (UK)Giving it all away – Do brand/charity partnerships really impress consumers?Tier-2 customers in India most affected by the Paytm Payment bank crisisAre global consumers ready to buy their next car via an e-commerce platform?Preference for in-person vs. online second-hand shopping varies by countryCibo a domicilio in Italia: tutti i datiBienvenidos: Travel demand for Mexico across key marketsLatam: A região está interessada no metaverso da Disney?Latam: ¿A la región le interesa el metaverso de Disney?Die YouGov-Sonntagsfrage im März 2024: AfD verliert weiterDettol and Uniqlo top YouGov 2024 Women’s Rankings in the Personal Care and Retail categoryTrust Bank and NTUC Income top YouGov 2024 Women’s Rankings in the Finance categorySingapore Airlines and Shangri- La top YouGov 2024 Women’s Rankings in the travel categoryNetflix, Amazon, Google Pay and iPhone top YouGov 2024 Women’s Rankings in IndiaLa Roche-Posay and Auswide Bank have topped YouGov’s 2024 Women’s RankingsAustralians back “Oppenheimer” to win 5 of 6 proposed Oscars categoriesYouGov APAC sparkling soft drinks rankingsDia da Mulher: Apesar de temerem o futuro profissional, seis a cada 10 brasileiras amam seu empregoLays, Bud Light and Bell: Canada’s Advertisers of the Month for February 2024Surfing the airwaves: What do Australians think about radio?From bendable phones to flying cars – Exploring American’s interest in MWC 2024 innovationsWendy’s announcement of “dynamic pricing” sparked conversations, but it was mostly negativeAdvertiser of the Month im März: NikeAustralia’s Advertisers of the Month (February 2024)56 Prozent der Schweizerinnen und Schweizer verbringen Zeit mit Care-ArbeitThe UAE Media Morph: 2024 trend reportWeiterempfehlung bei Uhren: Frauen bevorzugen Fitnessuhren, Männer LuxusuhrenBeyond the binge: Unveiling the habits, attitudes, and lives of APAC's streaming customersApple Vision Pro, Budweiser and Reese’s: US Advertisers of the Month for February 2024Fool Me Once, Young Sheldon and Seinfeld: The most-streamed TV in America, January 2024Fool Me Once, Friends and The Big Bang Theory: The UK’s most-streamed TV, January 2024Huggies y plataformas de streaming dominan estrategias publicitarias de México en febrero de 2024Two in five businesses expect the Spring Budget will leave the economy worse offUS Healthy Snackers Report 2024Mediolanum, Bank and Insurance Brand Mover di Febbraio 2024The informal market for medicines across the worldDía de la Mujer: El deseo de las mexicanas por emprender supera al de los hombresCase connesse: il futuro della tecnologia in casaJüngere Frauen setzen eher auf Investitionen als ÄltereYouGov Charity-Ranking erneut angeführt von „Ärzte ohne Grenzen“Men have undergone more non-surgical beauty procedures than women in the past yearElevating Elegance: Unveiling the Pinnacle of Luxury Retail in Hong KongViewer perspectives around the Oscars – everything from Jimmy Kimmel to red-carpet fashionBrasil: Quantos são proprietários de seu próprio apartamento ou casa?New MLB jerseys: A hit or a miss?43% of consumers say a music artist’s appearance in a video game will boost their engagement with itCybersécurité : 82% des Français pensent que le secteur Telco a un rôle important à jouerWo sind die guten Neujahrsvorsätze jetzt?Horlicks' return to TV strikes a positive chordAustralians are favouring domestic holidays over overseas travel this yearMotorräder – neuer Markt für E-Mobilität?Día Mundial de la Obesidad: 44.6% de los mexicanos no es feliz con su peso, 59% trata de adelgazarVaseline tops YouGov’s Ad of the month ranking in JanuaryYouGov APAC Best Brand Rankings 2024No aniversário de 20 anos, Facebook continua sendo a rede social líder na América LatinaEn su 20 aniversario, Facebook se mantiene como la red social líder entre usuarios de América LatinaA cuatro años del primer caso de COVID-19 en México, solo el 18.3% cree que la pandemia ya terminó54% of American gamers who have heard of Palworld feel its creatures are originalIndian cricket fandom report 2024Rankings: Coca-Cola in APAC's sparkling soft drinks sceneKundentreue von Sport2000 am meisten gestiegenThe rise of sparkling soft drinks as Lunar New Year favoritesApós quatro anos de COVID-19, os brasileiros temem os hospitais mais do que o resto do mundoMillennials set sail as interest in cruising surgesSuper Bowl 2024 advertising effectiveness reportNearly two in five consumers prefer to self-medicate simply because it worked for them earlierWhich sportsbooks do UK bettors use as their main account and whyWho’s interested in the Cheltenham Festival?Consumers most likely to consider price, ease of access when playing games on streaming platformsBritons say darts and skateboarding are real sports - but fishing and Crossfit are notSuper Bowl 2024: Uber Eats’ ad boosts its Buzz, Ad Awareness scoresGB: Consumer attitudes and expectations for International Women’s DayWhat do British mums want for Mother’s Day?How Apple Sports app will captivate iPhone users42% of British gamers who have heard of Palworld think its creatures are unoriginalNot millennials but GenZ are the biggest fans of Taylor Swift in Singapore: YouGovPerformances des acteurs petits prix dans le secteur TelcoNorway's strongest brands in 2023Denmark's strongest brands in 2023US: How women want brands to approach International Women’s DayGuide to 2024 Ramadan shopping insightsMéxico ama los dispositivos de smart homes: es el segundo país que más bocinas inteligentes tieneBritain: SUVs are too big and should be regulatedVegane Milchalternativen – wie beliebt sind sie?How Capital One and Discover merger could impact the finance industry6 key takeaways from post Valentine’s Day survey in BritainJoint bank accounts correlate with higher marital happiness among AmericansConsumer choices in the era of shrinkflationAd-testing Super Bowl LVIII commercials: Who won between Pringles, DoorDash and NYXJanuary 2024 was a mixed bag for consumer confidenceThe juice isn’t worth the squeeze: British sports fans don’t want a “Steroid Olympics”Currys’ strong brand is helping it generate takeover interestH&M enters a new chapter: What challenges and opportunities does its new CEO stand to inherit?80,7% dos brasileiros gastam menos de R$ 4.499 em férias (e as mulheres ainda menos)Kundenloyalitäts-Ranking 2024[Webinar] Super Bowl ad showdown – What brands scored big?Mesmo com escândalos, Corinthians foi o time mais popular do Brasil em janeiro de 2024Regreso de Chicharito hace de Chivas el equipo que mayor popularidad ganó en México en enero de 2024Il futuro delle bevande 0.0 in ItaliaWeniger Weihnachten, mehr Neuanfang – Amazon ist WerbelieblingMcDonald's x Bob's: Qual rede de fast food venceu a "batalha dos sanduíches" no Brasil?¿Cuánto gasta México en vacaciones? Mujeres quieren gastar más, jóvenes evitan presupuesto estrictoWeniger Zucker – für Fitness und GesundheitESPN Bet outshines its competitors across key consumer metricsWhich travel brands are best at turning awareness into sales in UKWhich travel brands are winning with their winter campaigns in UKUK’s biggest brand movers (February 2024): Zoopla’s near clean sweepIndia's Biggest Brand Movers: January 2024UAE's Biggest Brand Movers: January 2024KSA's Biggest Brand Movers: January 2024Etude spéciale services bancaires en ligne : quelles évolutions depuis 2021 ?Les marques qui progressent le plus en 2023The rise of Nvidia – A look at brand strength and consumer perception[Webinar] Survey success strategies for PR pros - How to execute headline-grabbing surveysConsumer segmentation: The not-so-united states of sustainabilityWhich supermarket in Australia offers the best value for money in 2024?APAC Biggest Brand Movers – January 2024Bose ist Biggest Buzz Mover von YouGov im FebruarMéxico: Tempra es el Anunciante del Mes en enero de 2024Maison connectée : data & insights 2024In the paint: Inside the NBA’s vibrant followingWeniger Zucker für eine gesündere ErnährungHas the Six Nations Netflix documentary given the tournament a Buzz and viewership boost?How Citizens Advice mapped interest in home retrofit with YouGovIndonesia’s 2024 Ramadan mudik outlook: Top travel periods, transport modes, booking methodsIndonesia’s 2024 Tunjangan Hari Raya outlook: Consumer expectations and expenditure plansIndonesia’s 2024 Ramadan shopping outlook: Key purchase categories and retail channelsThailand Packaged Food Brand Equity Rankings 2023Singapore Insurance Brand Equity RankingsBrasil: Facebook é o Anunciante do Mês em janeiro de 2024Erwartungen an Unternehmenswachstum 2024 – Entscheider sind gespaltenA majority of urban Indians intend to celebrate Valentine’s Day this yearProfile Peek: UAE’s aspiring homeowners and sellersSingapore Payment Providers Brand Equity RankingsOne in four Australians would celebrate Valentine's Day within a month of dating someoneMéxico: ¿Qué tan efectiva es la publicidad de boca en boca?Motel One überzeugt nicht nur im Preis-Leistungs-VerhältnisGran Cereale,Confectionary Brand Mover di Gennaio 2024Les conséquences de l‘inflation sur les comportements d’achat des jeunesBusiness Trend Report: Ausblick 2024One in five Singaporeans would celebrate Valentine’s Day within a month of seeing someone43% Singaporeans claim they are more likely to buy soft drinks during the Lunar New year periodHong Kong Virtual Banks Brand Equity RankingsDia Mundial do Rádio 2024: Os brasileiros ainda ouvem rádio ou migraram para o digital?Cash remains king – 67% of Americans still use traditional in-store paymentLewis Hamilton to move to Ferrari - looking at the F1 star’s global popularity levelsPlease don’t stop the music! - Mexicans claim the most music passion, Bulgarians the leastWatching live TV is still more popular than streamed video contentJanuary’s UK Advertisers of the Month: Which brands made it to the top?Tennis maintains its popularity in post Roger Federer-Serena Williams eraUnveiling Americans’ attitudes towards over-the-counter drugsSunshine Saturday: Brits warm up to travel campaigns after ChristmasBargain hunting down in 2023, compared to 2022Football Buzz Movers – January 2024: AC Milan makes a BuzzWhat routines are Britons following regularly in pursuit of self-care?Organic, fresh, or affordable: What factors are guiding UK consumers in 2024’s fruit and veg market?What are US consumers’ self-care goals for 2024?Europeans, Americans prioritize in-person interactions, while the world leans towards social mediaExtra leg room or adult-only zone: What in-flight upgrades are travelers likely to pay for?Global: How is the world celebrating Valentine’s Day in 2024?Many Americans think that SUVs and trucks have become too large and should be regulatedUK: Most in-demand TV and film for January 16-31, 2024Most in-demand in America TV and film for January 16-31, 2024Global mental health improves slightly in 2023YouGov Global Sports Rankings: The world's buzziest sports events - rankedSubdued buyer confidence amongst British rentersBite-sized bonds: Navigating the influences on food gift selectionsBrasil: Qual a opinião da população sobre o ensino público X privado?Does word of mouth help consumers choose a restaurant?Os brasileiros estão entre os consumidores que menos conhecem sobre casas inteligentes no mundoShould restaurants and bars concern themselves with online consumer reviews?48 market study – How Xbox and PlayStation gamers respond to adsGlobal Profiles: What do console gamers make of wearable technology?Klopp’s impending resignation has been good for Liverpool’s brandInternational study: Which professionals are people most willing to disclose their weight to?Bodybuilding, flag football, and skateboarding are real sports, according to AmericansDo consumers prefer sending and receiving messages in audio or text form?Holiday season - What areas did consumers overspend on?Trivago, WW and Noom: Canada’s Advertisers of the Month for January 2024Planet Fitness, Jenny Craig, Nature Made: America’s Advertisers of the Month for January 2024US: Your job may be ruining your holidaysMacmillan tops YouGov’s 2024 Charity rankings for the eleventh year runningBrasil: O público aceitará o uso de IA no governo?Super Bowl betting: Two-thirds of bettors likely to open new betting accountsIreland's best brand rankings 2024UK best brand rankings 2024MENA’s top advertiser for January: Which brand dominates the charts in multiple markets?UK – video podcasts: Who's watching, what genres and why?Unveiling UK consumer preferences for health and wellness technologies in carsSingapore’s Advertisers of the Month (January 2024)Australia’s Most Talked-About Brands (January 2024)Die YouGov-Sonntagsfrage im Februar 2024: BSW steigt mit 7 Prozent in der Wahlabsicht einLatam: Baby boomers vs Gen Z, como são no trabalho?Latam: Baby boomers vs Gen Z, ¿cómo son en el trabajo?Saint-Valentin 2024 : activités et cadeaux prévus en France et à l'internationalMENA best brand rankings 2024What Singaporeans look out for in a romantic partner – and does this differ across dating apps?Swiping left on dating apps: why are some singles in Singapore hesitant to try out online dating?Match, Chat, Love: Examining the popularity and usage of dating apps in SingaporeIndia best brand rankings 2024India’s credit landscape 202414 de febrero sin salir: Para los mexicanos, cenar en casa será el plan más popular este 2024México: ¿Quiénes se preparan para ver el Super Bowl LVIII?Les marques qui progressent le plus au mois de janvierUS best brand rankings 2024Prospectus publicitaires : zoom sur le dispositif Oui PubAdvertiser of the Month im Februar: INGIn the name of love - Looking at how Britons plan to spend Valentine’s Day 2024Le télétravail, un sujet qui diviseBurj Al Arab and Emirates tops YouGov’s Advocacy Rankings 2024 in UAEOne in ten Indian consumers only book from airlines where they are a loyalty memberBrasil: Como a Gol foi afetada pelos boatos sobre falência?Reasons to watch the Super Bowl – By generationWhat plans for Valentine’s? Looking at how Americans plan to spend the day in 2024In the medicine cabinet: Exploring Britons’ attitudes towards non-prescription medicationsCredit card and utility bills top the list of payments consumers missed last yearBerichte über Geheimtreffen schaden AfD: Parteienbild für Hälfte der Befragten negativ beeinflusstNearly one in five consumers across markets are likely to use credit to cover outgoings this yearHow local are Premier League fans? It dependsThe holiday stress gap: Is the festive season bad for British women?Do Brits want their cars with digital voice assistants?México: ¿Ha cambiado el acercamiento a la inversión?The US Destination Rankings 2024: Where travelers want to go nextSuper Bowl ad showdown – What brands scored big?Fewer than a quarter of consumers feel they’ll be in a position to make big purchases this yearFour ways that YouGov Self-serve is helping brands run better campaigns in 2024Cheesy ketchup and pets-only VOD: We use Self-serve to explore how our business ideas would performThe Silver Economy: Here’s how 55-year-olds in Britain spend their moneyUS: What's the big attraction about video podcasts?US: Gauging consumer appetite for types of in-car health techHey, that’s AI! Most consumers can differentiate chatbots from human customer service advisorsNearly three in ten consumers in our multi-market poll would use subscription-based gift servicesAll work, no play? Nearly a quarter of consumers say they won’t buy toys or books this yearGlobal: quão popular continua sendo o home office?Global: ¿El home office sigue siendo popular?Mind the gap - Do younger Brits like the same football clubs as older fans?A happy new year for consumer confidence?Mr. Bates has taken the Post Office’s brand to historic lowsThree in five Traitors viewers think they’d make better FaithfulsMost Britons don’t know what their internet speed isFour key facts about Britons who play racing video games on console or PCFor American teens, future job prospects are largely about the money and funAre Britons actually using cash machines?What do American consumers do when their phone screens crack?What do British consumers do when their phone screens crack?Fujitsu brand health plummets following the broadcast of Mr. Bates vs. The Post OfficeHow American adults and teens differ in their gaming choicesCultural engagement in Britain – Frequency of visiting theatres, museums, zoos, and moreGaming Buzz – Jan 2024: Call of Duty claims crown in US and BritainGambling and sports in the UK – a deep diveMVNOs in the spotlight – Analyzing American consumer’s willingness to switchOnly 14% of Britons clean their phones daily, reveals surveyHalf of 18 to 34 aged Americans have been in a ‘situationship’Navigating the produce aisle: Freshness reigns, but will Americans pay for year-round availability?Do domestically produced cars have an automatic competitive edge?México: Publicidad tradicional, ¿mejor que la digital?Brasil: Redes e música digital, os conteúdos mais utilizadosWhen it comes to their pets’ diets, consumers most likely to rely on veterinarian’s recommendationsWWE RAW on Netflix – Could the deal earn Netflix new users?YouGov Hotel and Airline Advocacy Rankings 2024: UAEYouGov Hotel and Airline Advocacy Rankings 2024: KSA79% of Australians say they still engage in COVID safe behaviours four years onDo Americans want talking cars?New music fansGreen chic or Greenwashing – do most Singaporeans trust fashion brands’ sustainability claims?How much does environmental sustainability influence Singapore’s fashion choices?Sustainable fashion in Singapore: Who’s bought environmentally friendly clothes & why others haven’tHow much does a consumer survey cost?The US Media Morph: 2024 trend reportMéxico: Así son los mexicanos más obsesionados con la músicaMox and ZA Bank top YouGov’s brand equity ranking of virtual banks in Hong Kong across 2023Mama and Lay’s top YouGov’s brand equity ranking of packaged food brands in Thailand across 2023DBS PayLah! and Visa top YouGov’s brand equity ranking of payment providers in Singapore across 2023NTUC Income and Great Eastern top YouGov’s brand equity ranking of insurers in Singapore across 2023Das Potenzial der ersten Krypto-Fonds in DeutschlandGlobal: Quais hábitos irritantes no cinema são mais odiados?Global: Estos son los hábitos más odiados en la sala de cineDer Veganuary tut insbesondere Lidl gutProgrammes de fidélité : 4 profils de consommateurs à découvrirYOUGOV FOOTBALLINDEXdm zweites Mal in Folge Preis-Leistungs-Sieger30% of Australians are more likely to purchase lamb after watching MLA's Summer Lamb CampaignMéxico: Así luce la cuesta de enero con alta inflaciónLet’s get physical: Profiles of Hong Kong and Thai consumers who aspire to be fit and healthyUK’s Biggest Brand Movers (January 2023): Seasonal favourites winTaj Hotels and Emirates top YouGov Advocacy Rankings 2024 in IndiaBBB24: Que patrocinadores levam a vantagem nesta temporada?KSA's mobile banking power usersPreis-Leistungs-Ranking 2024New Cadbury ad reviewed by consumers - half say it made them happyPublic predictions – Who will win the Super Bowl?Baileys, Ferrero and Merci: Canada’s Advertisers of the Month for December 2023Latam: Cruzeiro e América lideram o Buzz em dezembro de 2023Latam: América y Cruzeiro lideran Buzz en diciembre de 2023New data reveals thresholds for cold-weather sports attendanceFootball Buzz Movers – December 2023: Which clubs ended the year on a high?YouGov Hotel and Airline Advocacy Rankings 2024: IndiaWhat are the top things American consumers are looking for in a VR headset?México: ¿Quiénes quieren regular la Inteligencia Artificial?US consumer finance outlook, attitudes across the political divideWhat are the top things British consumers are looking for in a VR headset?One in eight Singaporeans are ‘very worried’ about getting CovidBarbie sichert sich den Titel “Advertiser of the Year 2023”Game, Set, Match: Who are the Australian Open fans?UAE's Biggest Brand Movers: December 2023KSA's Biggest Brand Movers: December 2023India's Biggest Brand Movers: December 2023US Biggest Brand Movers - January 2024Market insights into people's food choices in the US and Great BritainBrasil: O que o público acha das câmeras da polícia?Who won Christmas 2023?Friends, The Crown and The Big Bang Theory: The UK’s most-streamed TV, December 2023APAC Biggest Brand Movers – December 2023APAC Biggest Brand Movers Report - DecemberBrasil: Os influenciadores ainda são eficazes no marketing?What are Britons top travel destinations for 2024?Young Sheldon, The Crown and Reacher: The most-streamed TV (and movie!) in America, December 2023Perspectives économiques moroses en Europe à l'aube de 2024Gaming Buzz – Dec 2023: GTA revs up a storm in the US and UKUK - Should car dealerships tailor after-sales services according to the customer’s age?Unwrap the latest APAC gifting trends in 2024Complimentary services or quick services what after-sales services do US car owners value?What does the future of used car buying look like in 2024?UK consumer loyalty tested: Who wins?México: De los países con mayor uso de relojes inteligentesBusiness backs full expensing and increasing the minimum wageBusiness is more supportive of the minimum wage hike than you might expectBut not too intelligent: Britons not comfortable with smarter AIGaming & esports – trends and insights roundup for 2023Financial services: Global trends and insights from 2023Luke Littler loses, but could he expand the audience for professional darts?How much responsibility do we have to treat human-like AI well?FIFA announces a six-country World Cup – what do consumers think?Should healthcare services concern themselves with online reviews?Beyond horsepower: The crucial connection between brand reputation and car choicesPost-holiday shopping habits of Americans in 2024What new car buying will look like in 2024: An international perspectiveFrom wish list to cart: Explore the growing trend of early holiday shoppingConsumers are more likely to use online reviews for electronics, than for clothes, airlines, moviesCompared to last year, consumers are less likely to make cuts to their household budgets this yearOnline reviews don’t fly high for most consumers when it comes to choosing airlinesDo consumers rely on online reviews when buying financial products?Nearly three in ten consumers refer to online reviews and ratings for cinema and TV showsGame changer: India’s Pro Kabaddi LeagueConsumers are least likely to say that word-of-mouth helps them buy clothesConsumers cite value for money as top factor when choosing their favorite tech brandConsumers are least likely to rely on online reviews when choosing video streaming servicesNext’s improved Current Customer score proves it has had a merry Christmas sales season70% des 18-34 ans considèrent que devenir propriétaire est un objectif de vie41% of consumers in YouGov’s multi-market poll say they only somewhat trust sustainability logosAll about ‘Ginuary’ - Looking at food and drink attitudes among Britain’s gin drinkersDecember 2023 Advertiser of the month: PolicybazaarFrom traditions to tattoos: Ad testing Heinz’ recent marketing campaign with young consumersHow often do global consumers hit the adblocker button while streaming?Word-of-mouth helps more than half of all consumers to some degree when choosing hotelsDo members of the same household follow the same diet? 44% of consumers say they don’tIs the middle-overs slump in ODI cricket a real thing?UK's post-holiday shopping habits in 2024Navigating sustainability – Insights into US consumer trends for 2024Sports gear – Which markets prefer online purchase and which are set on offline?What are Indonesians’ top New Year Resolutions for 2024?Sports gear – Which markets prefer online purchase and which are set on offline?What are Hong Kongers’ top New Year Resolutions for 2024?What are Singaporeans’ top New Year Resolutions for 2024?What are Australians’ top New Year Resolutions for 2024?Singapore’s Most Talked-About Brands (December 2023)Hong Kong’s Advertisers of the Month (December 2023)Grand Theft Auto ist Biggest Buzz Mover von YouGov im JanuarIs DE&I working? Navigating work’s equality gap through Black voicesIncome, loyalty, and other factors guiding supermarket decisions among US consumersEmpty shelves, long queues and self-checkouts: Grievances that most bother British in-store shoppersWhat influences UK consumers' supermarket preferences?Long lines to pay or self-checkout counters: What bothers US in-store shoppers more?Dove fanno la spesa gli italiani?​Anunciante del Año 2023: Nissan Versa lidera en reconocimiento publicitario en MéxicoConnecting with Smart Home Adopters: 2024 US Trend ReportAnunciante do Ano: Nestlé e setor de alimentos dominam a publicidade no Brasil em 2023Sonntagsfrage Januar 2024 / Deutsche schauen tendenziell pessimistisch in die ZukunftM&S Christmas campaign clobbers competitionUS: Which cold medicine is winning flu season?México: ¿Qué marca de auto será la más popular en 2024?Navigating contrasts – Bet 365’s financial losses and market gainsDBS PayLah!: Revolutionizing transactions in SingaporeBrasil: Qual será a marca de carro mais popular em 2024?Advertiser of the Month im Januar: Coca-ColaDo people still use landlines?Unilever: understanding online buyers