Mixed-mode surveys

Reaching your goal with market-leading expertise

We increase the representativeness of your survey through broader coverage and lower drop-out rates.

With mixed-mode surveys, we offer surveys in Switzerland that are based on a combination of different contact and survey modes. This enables you to achieve relevant structural gains in the demographic composition of the sample and high utilisation rates.

Talk to a research expert

Your keys to successful mixed-mode surveys with YouGov

  • Advice on determining the right combination of methods
  • Questionnaire design or review of existing questionnaires by our experts with regard to method and mode effects
  • Operation of a professional multi-channel hotline (only available in Switzerland)
  • Standardised, proprietary survey systems
  • Integral data management in Switzerland
yougov living data visual

What is mixed mode?

The term “mixed mode” covers various combinations of contact and survey modes. The most common and proven mixed forms are the combination of an online survey with a written questionnaire (CAWI-PAPI), or the combination of an online and a telephone survey (CAWI-CATI).

Mixed-mode surveys are only available in the Swiss market.

man with a striped t-shirt and a data results chart in the background

The best of several worlds

Combined methodology

Accessibility and willingness to participate vary greatly depending on the population group. The answer: the cross-method approach.

Proven hybrid forms

Combination of an online survey with a written questionnaire (CAWI-PAPI) or an online and a telephone survey (CAWI-CATI).

Increased representativeness

Combining different contact and survey modes can significantly increase the representativeness of your data collection.