India media morph: 2024 trend report

India media morph: 2024 trend report

Deeksha Raina - April 1st, 2024
In what ways has urban India's media consumption evolved over the last few years?Download report

Delve into the shifts in media habits among urban Indians over recent years and the burgeoning adoption of online media. According to YouGov's latest report, "India media morph 2024," online media has firmly established itself as the leader in advertising attention, with podcasting witnessing a notable surge - 67% of urban Indians now listen to podcasts.

Furthermore, Instagram emerges as the preferred social network among Gen Z, closely followed by WhatsApp, whereas the usage of Facebook and YouTube has witnessed a significant decline among this demographic over the past three years.

Our 2024 media trends report draws upon YouGov Profiles to provide a comprehensive understanding of these evolving trends. With this valuable information, professionals in brands and agencies can improve their media strategies, messaging, and marketing efforts.

Download YouGov’s latest report and learn about:

  • Top sources of news
  • Social media consumption patterns
  • Listening behavior insights
  • Preferred messaging apps
  • Rise of podcasts
  • Trends in TV and Video on demand
  • Spotlight: Gen Z's media behavior