6 key takeaways from post Valentine’s Day survey in Britain

6 key takeaways from post Valentine’s Day survey in Britain

Kineree Shah - February 23rd, 2024

Following Valentine's Day, YouGov Surveys: Serviced polled 2,123 British adults to uncover how they chose to celebrate the day of love. Here are six key takeaways:

  1. 51% of Britons did not celebrate Valentine’s Day this year.

For those who did partake in the festivities, staying in seemed to be the preferred option. One in five adults enjoyed a night in with a homemade meal alongside their partner or date, underscoring the appeal of personal, intimate celebrations (21%). Conversely, only 6% dined out, matching the percentage who opted for a night in with takeaway.

2. 43% of adults who celebrated Valentine’s Day gave or received cards.

In terms of gifting, cards led the way with two-fifths of Britons choosing this traditional gesture (43%), followed by chocolates (25%) and flowers (20%). Notably, men were more inclined to give flowers, with 32% doing so, compared to just 8% of women. Overall, two in five women reported sending or receiving gifts (40%), against of quarter of men (24%), indicating a gender gap in gift exchange practices.

3. 12% of British men spent £100+ on Valentine’s Day celebrations, in contrast to just 5% women.

Delving into spending patterns among those who chose to mark the occasion, one in five adults fell into the £0.01 and £9.99 (21%) range, while 23% spent £10.00 to £29.99. Interestingly, the data shows a disparity in spending levels. While 26% of women spent nothing or opted for the lowest spending bracket, only 15% of men did the same. Conversely, men were more likely than women to spend in the higher brackets, with 13% of men spending £50.00 to £99.99 compared to 6% of women, and 8% of men spending £100.00 to £199.99 against 2% of women.

4. 19% of Britons say they spent more this Valentine’s Day in comparison to last year.

Men are more likely to say they have increased their expenditure (23%) compared to women (16%). For those who spent less, the predominant reason was a mutual decision with their partner to save money for other purposes, cited by half of Britons (49%). Economic factors also played a significant role, with 28% noting a reduced financial capacity compared to last year and 15% attributing their decreased spending to rising prices.

5. Women are more inclined to utilize debit cards for Valentine's Day expenses, whereas men show a preference for credit cards.

Payment methods for Valentine's Day expenses varied, with a preference for debit cards (52%) leading the way, followed by credit cards (19%), cash (18%), and mobile payments (7%). Women were more likely to use debit cards than men (57% vs. 48%), while men had a higher inclination towards using credit cards (24% vs. 14%).

6. One in 10 Britons are interested in receiving communication from banks about Valentine’s Day offers.

While three-quarters of Britons lacked interest (77%), one in 10 were interested in receiving Valentine's Day communications or newsletters from their banks (11%). Younger demographics displayed more openness, with 27% of those aged 18-24 and 25% of those aged 25-34 showing interest, contrasting sharply with the minimal interest shown by older age groups, where only 1-3% of those aged 45 and above were interested. This suggests that while there is a niche audience receptive to such communications, the broader sentiment leans significantly towards disinterest.

YouGov's survey on Valentine's Day celebrations in Britain reveals a nuanced picture. The majority of Britons opted for low-key, intimate celebrations or chose not to celebrate at all, perhaps reflecting a broader trend towards personalized and financially prudent observance of the day. Despite the varied approaches to celebrating and gifting, the underlying theme is a desire to express affection within one's means, possibly showcasing a blend of tradition and practicality in modern love.

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Methodology: YouGov Surveys: Serviced provide quick survey results from nationally representative or targeted audiences in multiple markets. This study was conducted online on February 19-20, 2024, with a nationally representative sample of 2,123 adults (aged 18+ years) in the UK, using a questionnaire designed by YouGov. Data figures have been weighed by age, gender, education, social grade, and region to be representative of all adults in the UK (18 years or older) and reflect the latest ONS population estimates.

Cover photo by Anna Tarazevich