
How Republican voters feel ahead of the convention The trailer for Disney adventure “The One and Only Ivan” wowed viewers this week Half a year in, here’s what Americans say about COVID-19UAE residents hesitant to travel due to Coronavirus, but likely to do so if the trip in incentivisedPinterest users profiledHow has COVID-19 affected the digital, media and content sector? Can social media be a tool for charities in the post-COVID world?Church and state: How important is religion to the American voter?Nearly three in four K-12 parents support mask mandates for studentsThe American public approves of Israel-UAE agreementThree-fourths of Americans don’t believe Russia’s vaccine is safe or effective Hvem er de danske avisabonnenter?YouGov snap poll: Large shares of voters say Trump and Biden are weak leadersCOVID-19 lockdown turns interest in Halfords bikes up a gear¿Quienes son los equipos de EUA de los que mas se habla en la actualidad?Americans are unsure if they trust Dr. Birx The COVID-19 pandemic divides the country by region and politics Vegans and meat eaters: how do they differ? Wo die Deutschen jetzt ihren Urlaub buchenAre credit scores important?When Americans think the 2020 presidential election winner will be announced Jamie Foxx’s new film “Project Power” knocked the competition out this weekYoung Americans continue to be crushed in the pandemic recession Breaking the banks? Revolut, Starling and the rise of “challenger” firms A large majority of UAE residents favour the economy becoming cashlessA large proportion of urban Indians likely to switch to homegrown apps after TikTok’s departureCon todos los partidos televisados ​​por primera vezHalf of Americans say Kamala Harris is a better debater than Mike PenceWho will buy the next generation of consoles from Sony and Microsoft?Where do Americans think the stock market will be in a year?Animals or environment: which do Brits donate more to?Europa-Studie: Einwanderung ist am häufigsten genannte nationale SicherheitsbedrohungShould the military patrol the English Channel?Republicans are more willing than Democrats to date someone from the other partyDie SPD nominiert Olaf Scholz als Kanzlerkandidaten für die Bundestagswahl 2021Many Americans have gone months without a hugGB on the radioZwei von fünf Deutschen lehnen Zuschauer in Bundesliga-Stadien ab September ab Zara’s customers return as consumers regain confidence Unterstützung für Corona-Schutzmaßnahmen und Maskenpflicht hält an Frauen sind vorbildlicher beim Tragen eines Mund- und Nasenschutzes als Männer YouGov launches ‘Collaborate’: an innovative digital first tool for faster consumer insightsYouGov launches ‘Collaborate’: an innovative digital first tool for faster consumer insightsLas oportunidades de exportación para las grandes ligas aumentan durante la tregua del Coronavirus¿De qué equipos de fútbol están hablando más los jóvenesHalf of voters approve of Kamala Harris as Joe Biden’s running mateExperiential marketing in the COVID-19 eraFour out of five healthcare workers expect second COVID waveWho are social media ‘stalkers’?Are people comfortable with days out during COVID-19?Nearly half of Americans believe the NRA has too much influenceAmerica’s impression of TikTok tumbles Bei Schokolade ist Fairtrade kein VerkaufsargumentTracker COVID-19 #17 : opinions et inquiétudes des FrançaisDe flesta europeiska turister skulle hellre ställa in sin semester än att hamna i karantänThe impact of COVID-19 continues to grow, but just 40% will get vaccinated against it Viewers are enamored with the trailer for “The Secret Garden” Bernie Sanders’ supporters reluctantly join Joe Biden’s campJohn Lewis store closures affect brand health Which out-of-home advertisements are most effective?How Americans think the economy is doingWhat registered voters think of President Donald Trump’s new political advertisement “Delaware”Should presidential candidates be required to take cognitive exams and drug tests?La pub du mois de juillet : Disneyland Paris « La magie n’existe pas sans vous »Is the pandemic slowing Monzo’s momentum? De fleste europæiske turister vil hellere aflyse deres ferie end at gå i karantæneJuli-Sonntagsfrage: Grüne legen erneut zuShould cyclists have insurance? Pandemic has made properties with gardens more attractiveXbox marks the spot with well-received launchWerbetreibende und Agenturen – Enger zusammenarbeiten und gleichzeitig unabhängig seinFewer Americans say they’ll get vaccinated for COVID-19Ein Viertel der Deutschen kann sich beim nächsten Autokauf ein Elektroauto vorstellenWhat do big spenders want from mobile phones?Nepotism didn't affect film choices of one-third Indians till now, likely to do so in futureAd of the Month UK – McDonald’sHow voters view Joe Biden’s political advertisement, “Crossroads”How voters view Donald Trump’s political advertisement, “Break In” Most Americans would wear a mask at home in a multigenerational household What Americans think of Trump’s potential TikTok banLes marques qui progressent le plus en juillet 2020Ein Drittel der Deutschen ist gegen den US-Truppenabzug aus DeutschlandMost European travellers would rather cancel their holiday than go into quarantineDo Americans feel prepared to cope with an economic depression? EDF, WhatsApp et Canal+ : Top 3 des marques qui progressent le plus en termes d’Image en 2020What should the EU be?Americans worry about safety of fast-tracked COVID-19 vaccinesImpacto de la cuarentena impuesta en UK a los viajeros procedentes de EspañaBritish consumers return to the high street and to confidenceWho spends over £1,000 a month on credit cards?Lockdown led to happiness reboundRZA’s new movie “Cut Throat City” crowned most effective trailer of the weekA reality check on the Trump-Biden enthusiasm gapWhich Brits still buy clothes in shops? COVID-19 in the cupboard: has the pandemic changed British shopping habits?Advertiser of the Month US – PeacockShould supermarkets challenge people without masks?Inside the mind: newspaper subscribersThe economic cost of COVID-19: Americans recently laid off are struggling with billsMask mandates remain popular among most Americans One in five Britons have given to charity in the last three months45% of Brits don’t trust TV ads Battle of the brands: Poundland vs B&M BargainsAre London’s lunch retailers suffering?Jeder Sechste hat alle Harry-Potter-Bücher gelesenCommunities of color feel certain effects of COVID-19 more acutely than white AmericansResuming tourism will benefit the economy, but many worry about sharing public spaces with touristsOptimism about personal finance is low among urban IndiansThese states are happiest with their standard of livingCOVID-19 : Quels sont les projets des Français pour 2021 ?Neues Toyota-Logo im Test – Leichter verwechselbar, aber futuristischer Is it the right time to reopen schools? Most parents reject full-time, in-person classes What Americans think about a new COVID-19 stimulus packageAustralia | Digital Trends in Sports Media … how fans are accessing contentAugust rent is due soon and one in 11 people cannot afford their housing paymentsRelaunched M&S loyalty scheme Sparks customer satisfaction boostAuf den Grill gehört für die Mehrheit der Deutschen Fleisch Tendencias digitales en los medios deportivos …¿ cómo acceden los aficionados al contenido?Should the MLB season be postponed again?Most Americans say cancel culture is a big problemEs hora de negociar en el fútbol británicoAre Americans more worried about voter fraud or denying eligible voters their ballot?COVID-19 y Eventos DeportivosIs Carlsberg latest ad popular?Europeans' attitude to sport event cancellations Despite vaccine advancements, Americans still believe one won't arrive in 2020The divided electorate agrees on one thing: They really don’t like the other candidateThe legacy of John Lewis and the future of civil rights in AmericaThe trailer for Marie Curie biopic “Radioactive” caught the most attention this week Most Americans trust the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Half of Republicans think US on the wrong track, a first for TrumpIn-person K-12 school instruction unpopular among voters, but sizable urban-rural divideHealth lottery reputation falls following Westferry Printworks rowWelches Land ist am häufigsten über Absage von Sportevents wegen Corona enttäuscht?How do people feel about reopened pubs?Top 10 des marques de Confiserie et Chocolat sur le Rapport Qualité-PrixSalt fat acid wheat: what food ingredients do Brits try to avoid? Absage von Sportevents wegen Corona: Schweizer besonders enttäuscht Americans support closing the economy again to combat COVID-19Nearly two in three oppose replacing state and local police with a national police forceQui sont les consommateurs de bières sans alcool ?Despite criticism, most Americans still trust Dr. Anthony Fauci Optimism about personal finances is on the rise among UAE residentsCambio de nombre de los RedskinsAmerica’s favorite BBQ style Bargeld bleibt für die Deutschen auch in der Corona-Krise wichtigAS Roma está redefiniendo lo que significa ser un club de fútbol. ¿Pero está funcionando?Bei diesen Autobauern gibt es die besten Corona-AngeboteA third of urban Indians are likely to dine in at a fast food restaurant in the near futureIn 2020, do people see the American Dream as attainable?  Churches over bars: What Americans think should reopenIs it safe for pro athletes to play?Buick and RAM lead the pack as auto ads gain tractionPeople worldwide are braced for recession, according to YouGov economic recovery trackerThis is the most popular ice cream flavor among AmericansCOVID-19: Two thirds of Britons would feel unsafe flyingUAE residents eager to return to shopping malls & beaches, not in a hurry to attend music concertsWho do Americans trust most for medical advice amid COVID-19?How America feels about the death penalty todayHow do Swedes feel about tourists coming to Sweden this summer?How do Finns feel about tourists coming to Finland this summer?How do Norwegians feel about tourists coming to Norway this summer?How do Danes feel about tourists coming to Denmark this summer?Hva betyr koronapandemien for nordmenns helse?Singaporeans least likely in ASEAN to return to office soonUrban Indians rely on news channels for Covid19 updates but not all consider them credibleTwo in five Americans are interested in reading Mary Trump’s tell-all bookThe console gaming landscape before ninth generation emergesStay away, Europeans tell British touristsVad betyder coronapandemin för svenskarnas hälsa?Hvad betyder corona-pandemien for danskernes sundhed?Mitä koronapandemia merkitsee suomalaisten terveyden kannalta?Apostadores más emocinados que regreso la Liga Premier que los propios aficionados al fútbolEl fanático de los deportes de alto nivel adquisitivoMost Americans believe the US government would hide evidence of UFOsInternational COVID-19 tracker update: 6 JulyInternational COVID-19 tracker update: 6 JulyAmazon’s rebrand campaign in Saudi creates greatest uplift in Ad Awareness in JuneAmericans still hold out hope of visiting Florida on holidayAustralia | Sports, Fans and Social Issues in Under 3 MinutesAustralia | Deportes, aficionados y asuntos sociales en menos de 3 minutosTalaat Moustafa Group’s controversial advertisement leads to uplifts in brand perceptionMost Americans do not want the national anthem to be changedLiverpool now the UK’s favourite football team – says new YouGov FootballIndex trackerUrban Indians consider ‘Country of Origin’ important but quality and price drive purchasesAd of the Month UK – McDonald’sAd of the Month US – Lowe'sBrits prefer Spanish holidaysNo, most Americans don’t think the stock market is the best economic indicatorConsumer confidence edges towards positive territory Warum Milka Nutella gefährlich werden könnteByju’s is the most used e-learning app during the lockdownNearly two in three Americans say wearing face masks in public should be mandatorySonntagsfrage: Die Grünen legen leicht zuThree in five Thais believe border should open within next six monthsHalf of Americans say it should be illegal to burn the US flagPlayStation 5 reveal amps up interest in Sony’s new games console UAE residents are more likely than KSA public to wear a mask & use a sanitiser amidst CoronavirusYouGov launches ‘Collaborate’: an innovative digital first tool for faster consumer insightsDanskernes forbrug stiger igen …Suomalaisten kulutus kasvaa kohtalaisesti...Svenskarnas konsumtion ökar igen …Nordmenns forbruk stiger igjen …Suurin osa uutisten kuluttajista on huolissaan harhaanjohtavista tiedoista verkossaMajoriteten av nyhetskonsumenterna oroar sig över vilseledande information på nätetDe fleste nyhetsforbrukere bekymrer seg for villedende informasjon på nettetStørstedelen af nyhedsforbrugere bekymrer sig om vildledende information på nettetInternational COVID-19 tracker update: 22 JuneEducation and IT Professionals are the happiest with their company’s behaviour during Covid-19Most Americans support the Supreme Court's DACA decision How do Americans feel about brands changing racist namesMost LGBTQ Americans are concerned about queer spaces surviving COVID-19How many Americans are willing to pay for podcasts?Majority worry whether online news is true Valgmåling juni 2020Banking & Finance employees are the happiest with their company’s behaviour during the pandemicInternational COVID-19 tracker update: 15 JuneCineworld set to reopen in July – but are customers ready for a screening? Should there be more rules on video game gamblingIs America ready to try on clothes again? Indians fear levels are increasing as India re-opensEuropæerne synes Danmark har håndteret COVID-19 godt… og danskerne er overvejende enigeEuropéerna anser att Sverige har hanterat COVID-19 bra… och svenskarna håller delvis med Hvordan vil nordmenn endre atferd på den anden siden av korona-pandemien?Most Britons back government plans to quarantine travellers to UKInternational COVID-19 tracker update: 8 JuneSådan vil danskernes forbrug ændre sig på den anden side af corona-pandemienDefiniendo a los aficionados en la época del COVID-19: Si importaDía Mundial del Medio AmbienteVimto’s Ramadan campaign succeeds in achieving Ad Awareness in KSAAd of the month US – Carvana Ad of the Month UK - KFCVi vil helst donere penge til forskning i sygdomme og danske udsatte børnMobilePay pärjää hyvin koronakriisin keskelläInternational COVID-19 tracker update: 1 JuneInternational COVID-19 tracker update: 1 JuneInternational COVID-19 tracker update: 1 JuneInternational COVID-19 tracker update: 1 JuneAbout half of Americans say Trump’s plan to deploy US military on American cities is inappropriateAmericans are split on whether sexuality is a spectrumConsumer confidence remains bleak despite small improvement on AprilAlmost half of the urban Indian consumers see online shopping as a normInternational COVID-19 tracker update: 1 JuneFörstå dina kunder på en förändrad marknadGrab a plate: Many Americans say they’re ready for a buffet¿De qué sirve un patrocinio deportivo cuando no hay deporte?Only 1 in 3 Indians think the Covid relief economic package will make India self-reliantDo Americans think humans are naturally monogamous?Americans think social media companies should be able to remove content that spreads misinformationWho’s winning the COVID-19 streaming wars?International COVID-19 tracker update: 25 MayInternational COVID-19 tracker update: 25 MayInternational COVID-19 tracker update: 25 MayInternational COVID-19 tracker update: 25 MayCoronavirus impact worriesMore Americans are buying up FitbitsIs America going cashless?More than half of urban Indians think the Covid-19 situation in their country is getting worseKSA residents are more positive than UAE residents about COVID recoveryKoronakriisi on saanut meidät ostamaan enemmän suomalaistaKoronakrisen har fått oss til å kjøpe mer norske produkterCoronakrisen har fået os til at købe mere danskJeder Vierte hat wegen Corona weniger Geld in der TascheMalaysians least likely to avoid going out, Singaporeans least likely to wear facemasks Indonesians least likely to use hand sanitisers in ASEANThais most likely to wear facemasks in ASEANWhat Americans thought of Barack Obama's Graduate Together speechHow Americans feel about the potential changes coming to air travelInternational COVID-19 tracker update: 18 MayLogos, patterns, or politics: Which mask designs do Americans want?Will cinemas survive COVID-19?How many craft beer drinkers actually like hoppy beer?Forstå dine kunder i et ændret markedMusic streaming platforms are the most used apps by urban Indians amidst the lockdownValgmåling maj 2020Nordmenn og koronavirusSuomalaiset ja koronavirusCoronavirus og danskerneSvenskar och coronavirusetHalf of Malaysians disagree with CMCOUAE residents respond positively to KFC’s proactive measures in response to COVID-19Indians expect the Coronavirus crisis to end sooner locally than globallyCoronakrisen har fått oss att köpa mer lokalproduceratAmerica’s pandemic snack: Lay’s potato chipsAmericans are gaming more than usualAd of the Month US - QuibiInternational COVID-19 tracker update: 2 MayMost Americans surveyed don't know what Cinco de Mayo celebratesYouGov & Imperial College London’s latest study shows how Indians are practicing social distancing Public service messages from Dubai Police strike a chord with UAE residents amid the COVID-19 crisisYouGov Ad of the Month – Thailand: FoodpandaAd of the Month UK - EEConsumer confidence hits 2012 low during COVID-19 lockdownUAE residents are increasingly engaging in board games, online classes & baking amidst the outbreakYouGov’s International COVID-19 tracker shows consistent fear levels across 26 surveyed countriesWith fear levels stabilizing,notable changes in behavior witnessed globally- COVID-19 trackerOnly about half of your coworkers are always wearing pants while working from home During COVID, many millennials still feel lonelyTodo el mundo está apostando a los deportes electrónicos.Video Games, Baking and Naps: How America is passing time during lockdownsMost Americans are concerned about meat shortagesHver tredje nordmann venter med å planlegge sommerferienEn tredjedel av svenskarna väntar med att planera sommarsemesternMere end hver fjerde dansker venter med at planlægge sommerferieJetBlue now requires all passengers to wear face coverings and the idea flies well with AmericansIndians consider banks,home repairs & pet services more essential than sin goods amidst the lockdownInternational COVID-19 tracker update: 25 AprilInternational COVID-19 tracker update: 25 AprilInternational COVID-19 tracker update: 25 AprilInternational COVID-19 tracker update: 25 AprilChange in fear levels in Indians- International COVID-19 tracker Charting the run on Tylenol during the COVID-19 pandemicAre lockdowns unconstitutional? Most Americans say noIndian consumers respond positively to Zomato & Swiggy’s proactive measures in response to COVID-19Mikä motivoi tai hillitsee eurooppalaisia sähköautojen ostossa?Hva motiverer europeerne til å kjøpe elbiler, og hva hindrer dem fra å gjøre det?Hvad motiverer til og afholder europæerne fra at købe elbiler?Vad motiverar och vad hindrar européerna att köpa elbilar?UAE and KSA residents prepare to spend more time online this year in Ramadan than in previous years Many Americans don't think could manage their expenses during a recessionTop ten brands Malaysian and Indonesian Muslims are buying from this RamadanPaytm and Big Basket are the most used apps for ordering essentials during the COVID-19 lockdownYouGov’s international COVID-19 tracker reveals changing global attitudes towards the CoronavirusIncreasing number of UAE and KSA residents are concerned about job and income loss due to the CoronaInternational COVID-19 tracker update: 18 AprilInternational COVID-19 tracker update: 18 AprilInternational COVID-19 tracker update: 18 AprilInternational COVID-19 tracker update: 18 AprilYouGov’s international COVID-19 tracker reveals changing global attitudes towards the CoronavirusSlik har koronavirusepidemien påvirket nordmenns forbrukSådan har coronavirus-epidemien påvirket danskernes forbrugSå har coronavirusepidemin påverkat svenskarnas konsumtionNäin koronavirusepidemia on vaikuttanut suomalaisten kulutukseenHow many Americans have given to charity during the pandemic?Which industries deserve financial assistance from the US government?Which streaming service do most parents think has good content for kids?YouGov/Imperial College study examines how well public in 13 countries are responding to COVID-19COVID-19: How YouGov’s partnership with Imperial College London is helping to combat the pandemicAre people drinking as much compared to this time last year?Americans are getting more comfortable with telemedicineUrban Indians favour a lockdown extension but many worry about availability of essential itemsYouGov/Imperial College study examines how well public in 13 countries are responding to COVID-19Almost half of Malaysians willing to abide by an indefinite MCOCOVID-19: How YouGov’s partnership with Imperial College London is helping to combat the pandemicInternational COVID-19 tracker update: 11 AprilInternational COVID-19 tracker update: 11 AprilCompared with March, Americans are now six times more likely to wear face masks in publicFord, GM see positive brand sentiment after committing to COVID-19 effortsDespite social distancing, some Americans will still attend church on Easter Sunday More than half of UAE & KSA residents are worried about a loved one contracting the Coronavirus80% Indians want the government to expand the Coronavirus testing capacity As Americans are forced to stay home, many are turning to PelotonAd of the Month UK: Disney+YouGovin data COVID-19 koronavirustaudistaYouGovs data om COVID-19YouGovs data om COVID-19Dettol’s public service messages strike a chord with UAE residents amid ongoing Coronavirus crisisYouGov sin data om COVID-19International COVID-19 tracker update: 4 AprilIs marijuana essential? Most Americans say yes YouGov’s data on COVID-19YouGov’s data on COVID-19YouGov’s data on COVID-19 YouGov’s data on COVID-19YouGov’s data on COVID-19YouGov data on COVID-19YouGov’s data on COVID-19YouGov Ad of the Month – Indonesia: Dettol ​Concern about COVID-19 stabilizes as UAE & KSA residents stay at home & practice social distancingMost UAE professionals expect a long recovery period for their businesses to overcome COVID-19Förtroendet för Folkhälsomyndigheten splittrar svenskarnaInternational COVID-19 tracker update: 27 MarMany Americans are having sex more frequently under lockdownMaking our data freely available to those fighting COVID-1995% urban Indians support a lockdown to contain the spread of the CoronavirusMore than half of Britons expect a recession within a yearInternational COVID-19 tracker- With lockdowns, large shifts visible in people’s attitudes worldwideInternational COVID-19 tracker update: 27 March¿Qué quieren ver ahora los aficionados a los deportes británicos en TV?Increasing number of UAE and KSA residents are scared they will contract the CoronavirusMajority of urban Indian working professionals claim the Coronavirus has impacted their businessWhy are more Americans considering Jeep right now?How alcohol consumption has changed during the pandemicYouGov BrandIndex & Gestión de CrisisA vast majority of UAE working professionals claim the Coronavirus has impacted their businessFærre mænd end kvinder frygter at blive smittet med coronavirusFærre menn enn kvinner frykter å bli smittet med koronavirusHarvemmat miehet kuin naiset pelkäävät saavansa koronavirustartunnanFärre män än kvinnor är rädda för att bli smittade av coronavirusNearly three-quarters of Indians want the Government to cancel large sporting events to contain the International COVID-19 tracker: how public opinion is responding around the worldInternational COVID-19 tracker: how public opinion is responding around the worldThe trailer for romantic comedy "Hooking Up" hooked viewers this weekHow many Americans are working from home?What do virus-fearing Americans consider buying during the COVID-19 pandemic?Who makes the best reality TV: Networks or streaming services?Luottamuksessa viranomaisten kykyyn hallita koronaviruskriisiä on Pohjoismaissa suuria erojaDanskerne har størst tillid til myndighedernes håndtering af coronaviruskrisen i NordenSvenskarna har lägst förtroende för myndigheternas hantering av coronaviruskrisen i NordenStor forskjell på tilliten til myndighetenes håndtering av koronaviruskrisen i NordenA majority of UAE and KSA residents are fearful of contracting the CoronavirusHow Americans believe the world will endOlder adults in India are least fearful of contracting the CoronavirusProviding monetary support to their families is the top financial goal among UAE working residentsCOVID-19 report: How the virus is affecting everything, from politics to brandsThree quarters of Malaysians worried about the future of the nation YouTube, Facebook and 7-Eleven top Thailand’s 2020 Women’s Rankings YouGov Ad of the Month – Thailand: Kit KatElectrolux är svenskarnas föredragna val när det gäller vitvarorNike er danskernes foretrukne tøjmærkeHow do attitudes to coronavirus differ across the world?Otte ud af ti er medlemmer af et loyalitetsprogram i NordenÅtta av tio personer i Norden är med i ett lojalitetsprogramÅtte av ti voksne i Norden er medlemmer av et lojalitetsprogramKahdeksan kymmenestä pohjoismaisesta aikuisesta on kanta-asiakkuusohjelman jäseColgate achieves the greatest uplift in Ad Awareness among UAE residentsPixar’s animated film “Onward” was the most effective movie trailer of the week Uber Eats, Blue Apron brands see gains as Americans told to stay homeBusiness ethics in BritainThree in ten urban Indian women claim they cannot do without using the Internet beyond an hourEmirates, Almarai and WhatsApp top the YouGov BrandIndex 2020 Women’s Choice Rankings in MENAWhatsApp tops the 2020 Women’s Choice Rankings in Egypt for the second year in a rowAlmarai tops the 2020 Women’s Choice Rankings in Saudi ArabiaEmirates tops the 2020 Women’s Choice Brand Rankings in the UAEKvinnors topp 10Naisten mielikuvat brändeistäHer er norske kvinners topp 10-listeDanske kvinders top 10Ad of the Month US - PlantersAd of the Month UK – Marks and SpencerAmericans are taking action in response to coronavirusStorms, coronavirus and reshuffles cause consumer confidence wobbleMando-Connect & YouGovWhat Americans think about the trailer for "The Invisible Man"YouGov’s survey reveals people are indeed moving online for content after the TRAI order was passedGCC residents more likely to see Coronavirus as a major threat than people in Europe and AmericaSveriges Radio är årets stjärnvarumärkeHvor mange streamingtjenester er danskerne villige til at betale for?Americans say this popular diet is effective and inexpensiveNetflix is American's most streamed platform. Is there room for ads?This is America’s favorite Girl Scout Cookie How do attitudes to coronavirus differ across the world?How do attitudes to coronavirus differ across the world?How do attitudes to coronavirus differ across the world?How do attitudes to coronavirus differ across the world?More than half of Indians are excited to watch Ayushmann Khurrana’s same-sex love storyHur firade vi turturduvornas dagFacemask frenzy sends Watsons brand health on the riseŠkoda races to the top of YouGov’s Recommend Car RankingsHere’s how many Americans have broken up on Valentine’s DayThe grocery store you never heard of is America’s most Recommended brandDoes online outrage really affect brands in real life?Two thirds of Hong Kongers afraid of contracting the Wuhan coronavirusShopee dominates YouGov’s annual Indonesian Buzz RankingsDigital brands top YouGov’s annual Hong Kong Buzz RankingsThree in ten Indians from tier-3 cities are open to the idea of premarital sexMore than half of UAE residents feel the Expo will boost the country’s economyMany Americans say the Oscars have a diversity problemA Government job is highly favoured by small town residents of IndiaOld favorites, Olympics will be big draw for NBC’s new streaming serviceEtihad Airway’s recent communication achieves cut-through among UAE residentsDigital brands rule YouGov’s annual Thailand Buzz RankingsShopee dominates YouGov’s annual Malaysian Buzz RankingsWhat men and women really want for Valentine’s DayHere's where advertisers can reach Oscars viewers Ad of the Month UK – ColgateWhy GM is resurrecting the Hummer namePlanters killed its mascot. Was it worth it?One-third of Americans say their ideal relationship is non-monogamousHver fjerde dansker har et nytårsforsæt for 20201 av 5 svenskar har ett nyårslöfte för 2020Yhdellä viidestä on uudenvuodenlupaus vuodelle 2020Mer enn hver fjerde nordmann har et nyttårsforsett for 2020Many Americans don't always wash their hands after going to the bathroomAmericans say these were the best Super Bowl halftime shows of the past decadeNFL in Germany – A fan profileThe beer brands 49ers fans and Chiefs fans can agree onA large majority of UAE residents like the new national logoSafety for women and better jobs are the biggest expectations from the budget second time in a rowEmirates, Almarai and WhatsApp top the 2019 YouGov BrandIndex Buzz Rankings in the Middle EastGoogle tops the 2019 YouGov BrandIndex Buzz Rankings in IndiaAlmarai tops the 2019 YouGov BrandIndex Buzz Rankings in Saudi ArabiaWhat America plans to eat (and drink) during the Super Bowl this yearOne in five Millennials has changed their diet to reduce their impact on the planet Emirates tops the 2019 YouGov BrandIndex Buzz Rankings in the UAE for the third timeVolvo är fortfarande i toppHer er Norges snakkis-topp for 2019Lidl ykkösenä BrandIndex-pöhinämittauksessa 2019Her er de bedst omtalte varemærkerWhatsApp tops the 2019 YouGov BrandIndex Buzz Rankings 2019 in EgyptSuper Bowl ads: How long does the glow last?Most Americans believe in soulmates Européerna om mode och hållbarhetEurooppalaisten näkemykset muodista ja eettisyydestäEuropeerne om mote og etikkEuropæerne om mode og etikTrump mest omtalt, men NAV-skandalen har gjort mest inntrykkConsumer confidence rises in closing days of last decadeHalf of UAE residents are likely to buy a self-driving car in the future‘Saving more’ continues to be the top financial goal of Indians in 2020