Research solutions for the Swiss market

Our market-leading products provide you with answers to the questions that concern you most - regardless of the industry or target group.

In the following overview you will find products and services tailored to the Swiss market, supported by our experts in Switzerland.

Get in touch

SwissTrend Online

Fast-turnaround surveys in our market-leading Swiss panel.

Swiss Brand Observer

Keeping a constant eye on your brand on the Swiss market.

YouGov Swiss Academia

Reliable and meaningful data for the scientific research landscape in Switzerland.

Municipality Check Switzerland

Achieve greater attractiveness with the HRM2 system and Swiss benchmarks.

EVU Market Atlas 2024

The largest energy customer survey in Switzerland in the B2B and B2C sectors.

Gen Z Check

Address Gen Z in the right way.

Employee Feedback Management

Determine the satisfaction of your employees.

Predictive Promoter Score

Identify success drivers for customer satisfaction and loyalty.


Surveys of residential and commercial tenants - including online dashboard and response management tool.

Mixed-mode surveys

Higher representativeness of your survey due to broader coverage and lower drop-out rates.

quantilope x YouGov

Consumer insights through automated methods, real-time analyses and interactive dashboards.

Surveys: Serviced

Quick-turnaround, researcher-serviced Omnibus and targeted Field & Tab research.

Custom Research

100% bespoke market research intelligence, with full end-to-end support.

Qualitative Research

Go beyond the obvious, identify what really matters and boost your business.

Swiss panels and customer panel management

Be it the Swiss YouGov panel (115,000 members) or your own.

Computer Assisted Telephone Interviews (CATI) Switzerland

Full service and 98 per cent coverage in Switzerland.

Media Research Switzerland

Comprehending the media usage of your target groups.

Mystery research & neuromarket research

Find out the "why" behind your customers' purchasing decisions.

Are you interested in research outside Switzerland or are you looking for a different solution? Here you will find an overview of all YouGov products and services worldwide.