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YouGov has over 15 years of living consumer intelligence on political opinion, governmental decisions and public affairs. We offer full-service survey research for academics, health researchers, policy think tanks and corporate clients. Explore our latest insights below to help you stay up-to-date and lead the way.
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Panel-powered survey builder
24/7 survey builder
General population and granular audiences
2 million+ profiling variables
Rapid results from 1 hour
Prices start from £0.50p/$1.00 per survey complete
Available in: GB, US
Cannot be quoted in the media as a YouGov survey
Fast-turnaround Omnibus and targeted Field & Tab
Results from next day
Nationally representative samples and targeted audiences
Sub-group analysis
Data available in YouGov Crunch
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Global capabilities
Researcher moderation and support
Can be quoted in the media as a YouGov survey
Custom Research
Unique and tailored solutions
Bespoke results dependent on project
Nationally representative samples and targeted audiences
Sub-group analysis
Data available in YouGov Crunch
Data available in any bespoke output
Global capabilities
Full end-to-end support with research experts
Can be quoted in the media as a YouGov survey
Sample framing, questionnaires, analysis and more