
Americans are gaming more than usualAd of the Month US - QuibiInternational COVID-19 tracker update: 2 MayMost Americans surveyed don't know what Cinco de Mayo celebratesYouGov & Imperial College London’s latest study shows how Indians are practicing social distancing Public service messages from Dubai Police strike a chord with UAE residents amid the COVID-19 crisisYouGov Ad of the Month – Thailand: FoodpandaAd of the Month UK - EEConsumer confidence hits 2012 low during COVID-19 lockdownUAE residents are increasingly engaging in board games, online classes & baking amidst the outbreakYouGov’s International COVID-19 tracker shows consistent fear levels across 26 surveyed countriesWith fear levels stabilizing,notable changes in behavior witnessed globally- COVID-19 trackerOnly about half of your coworkers are always wearing pants while working from home During COVID, many millennials still feel lonelyTodo el mundo está apostando a los deportes electrónicos.Video Games, Baking and Naps: How America is passing time during lockdownsMost Americans are concerned about meat shortagesHver tredje nordmann venter med å planlegge sommerferienEn tredjedel av svenskarna väntar med att planera sommarsemesternMere end hver fjerde dansker venter med at planlægge sommerferieJetBlue now requires all passengers to wear face coverings and the idea flies well with AmericansIndians consider banks,home repairs & pet services more essential than sin goods amidst the lockdownInternational COVID-19 tracker update: 25 AprilInternational COVID-19 tracker update: 25 AprilInternational COVID-19 tracker update: 25 AprilInternational COVID-19 tracker update: 25 AprilChange in fear levels in Indians- International COVID-19 tracker Charting the run on Tylenol during the COVID-19 pandemicAre lockdowns unconstitutional? Most Americans say noIndian consumers respond positively to Zomato & Swiggy’s proactive measures in response to COVID-19Mikä motivoi tai hillitsee eurooppalaisia sähköautojen ostossa?Hva motiverer europeerne til å kjøpe elbiler, og hva hindrer dem fra å gjøre det?Hvad motiverer til og afholder europæerne fra at købe elbiler?Vad motiverar och vad hindrar européerna att köpa elbilar?UAE and KSA residents prepare to spend more time online this year in Ramadan than in previous years Many Americans don't think could manage their expenses during a recessionTop ten brands Malaysian and Indonesian Muslims are buying from this RamadanPaytm and Big Basket are the most used apps for ordering essentials during the COVID-19 lockdownYouGov’s international COVID-19 tracker reveals changing global attitudes towards the CoronavirusIncreasing number of UAE and KSA residents are concerned about job and income loss due to the CoronaInternational COVID-19 tracker update: 18 AprilInternational COVID-19 tracker update: 18 AprilInternational COVID-19 tracker update: 18 AprilInternational COVID-19 tracker update: 18 AprilYouGov’s international COVID-19 tracker reveals changing global attitudes towards the CoronavirusSådan har coronavirus-epidemien påvirket danskernes forbrugSå har coronavirusepidemin påverkat svenskarnas konsumtionNäin koronavirusepidemia on vaikuttanut suomalaisten kulutukseenSlik har koronavirusepidemien påvirket nordmenns forbrukHow many Americans have given to charity during the pandemic?Which industries deserve financial assistance from the US government?Which streaming service do most parents think has good content for kids?YouGov/Imperial College study examines how well public in 13 countries are responding to COVID-19COVID-19: How YouGov’s partnership with Imperial College London is helping to combat the pandemicAre people drinking as much compared to this time last year?Americans are getting more comfortable with telemedicineUrban Indians favour a lockdown extension but many worry about availability of essential itemsYouGov/Imperial College study examines how well public in 13 countries are responding to COVID-19Almost half of Malaysians willing to abide by an indefinite MCOCOVID-19: How YouGov’s partnership with Imperial College London is helping to combat the pandemicInternational COVID-19 tracker update: 11 AprilInternational COVID-19 tracker update: 11 AprilCompared with March, Americans are now six times more likely to wear face masks in publicFord, GM see positive brand sentiment after committing to COVID-19 effortsDespite social distancing, some Americans will still attend church on Easter Sunday More than half of UAE & KSA residents are worried about a loved one contracting the Coronavirus80% Indians want the government to expand the Coronavirus testing capacity As Americans are forced to stay home, many are turning to PelotonAd of the Month UK: Disney+YouGovin data COVID-19 koronavirustaudistaYouGovs data om COVID-19YouGovs data om COVID-19Dettol’s public service messages strike a chord with UAE residents amid ongoing Coronavirus crisisYouGov sin data om COVID-19International COVID-19 tracker update: 4 AprilIs marijuana essential? Most Americans say yes YouGov’s data on COVID-19YouGov’s data on COVID-19YouGov’s data on COVID-19 YouGov’s data on COVID-19YouGov’s data on COVID-19YouGov data on COVID-19YouGov’s data on COVID-19YouGov Ad of the Month – Indonesia: Dettol ​Concern about COVID-19 stabilizes as UAE & KSA residents stay at home & practice social distancingMost UAE professionals expect a long recovery period for their businesses to overcome COVID-19Förtroendet för Folkhälsomyndigheten splittrar svenskarnaInternational COVID-19 tracker update: 27 MarMany Americans are having sex more frequently under lockdownMaking our data freely available to those fighting COVID-1995% urban Indians support a lockdown to contain the spread of the CoronavirusMore than half of Britons expect a recession within a yearInternational COVID-19 tracker- With lockdowns, large shifts visible in people’s attitudes worldwideInternational COVID-19 tracker update: 27 March¿Qué quieren ver ahora los aficionados a los deportes británicos en TV?Increasing number of UAE and KSA residents are scared they will contract the CoronavirusMajority of urban Indian working professionals claim the Coronavirus has impacted their businessWhy are more Americans considering Jeep right now?How alcohol consumption has changed during the pandemicYouGov BrandIndex & Gestión de CrisisA vast majority of UAE working professionals claim the Coronavirus has impacted their businessHarvemmat miehet kuin naiset pelkäävät saavansa koronavirustartunnanFärre män än kvinnor är rädda för att bli smittade av coronavirusFærre mænd end kvinder frygter at blive smittet med coronavirusFærre menn enn kvinner frykter å bli smittet med koronavirusNearly three-quarters of Indians want the Government to cancel large sporting events to contain the International COVID-19 tracker: how public opinion is responding around the worldInternational COVID-19 tracker: how public opinion is responding around the worldThe trailer for romantic comedy "Hooking Up" hooked viewers this weekHow many Americans are working from home?What do virus-fearing Americans consider buying during the COVID-19 pandemic?Who makes the best reality TV: Networks or streaming services?Luottamuksessa viranomaisten kykyyn hallita koronaviruskriisiä on Pohjoismaissa suuria erojaSvenskarna har lägst förtroende för myndigheternas hantering av coronaviruskrisen i NordenStor forskjell på tilliten til myndighetenes håndtering av koronaviruskrisen i NordenDanskerne har størst tillid til myndighedernes håndtering af coronaviruskrisen i NordenA majority of UAE and KSA residents are fearful of contracting the CoronavirusHow Americans believe the world will endOlder adults in India are least fearful of contracting the CoronavirusProviding monetary support to their families is the top financial goal among UAE working residentsCOVID-19 report: How the virus is affecting everything, from politics to brandsThree quarters of Malaysians worried about the future of the nation YouTube, Facebook and 7-Eleven top Thailand’s 2020 Women’s Rankings YouGov Ad of the Month – Thailand: Kit KatElectrolux är svenskarnas föredragna val när det gäller vitvarorNike er danskernes foretrukne tøjmærkeHow do attitudes to coronavirus differ across the world?Kahdeksan kymmenestä pohjoismaisesta aikuisesta on kanta-asiakkuusohjelman jäseÅtta av tio personer i Norden är med i ett lojalitetsprogramOtte ud af ti er medlemmer af et loyalitetsprogram i NordenÅtte av ti voksne i Norden er medlemmer av et lojalitetsprogramColgate achieves the greatest uplift in Ad Awareness among UAE residentsPixar’s animated film “Onward” was the most effective movie trailer of the week Uber Eats, Blue Apron brands see gains as Americans told to stay homeBusiness ethics in BritainThree in ten urban Indian women claim they cannot do without using the Internet beyond an hourEmirates, Almarai and WhatsApp top the YouGov BrandIndex 2020 Women’s Choice Rankings in MENAWhatsApp tops the 2020 Women’s Choice Rankings in Egypt for the second year in a rowAlmarai tops the 2020 Women’s Choice Rankings in Saudi ArabiaEmirates tops the 2020 Women’s Choice Brand Rankings in the UAEKvinnors topp 10Danske kvinders top 10Naisten mielikuvat brändeistäHer er norske kvinners topp 10-listeAd of the Month US - PlantersAd of the Month UK – Marks and SpencerAmericans are taking action in response to coronavirusStorms, coronavirus and reshuffles cause consumer confidence wobbleMando-Connect & YouGovWhat Americans think about the trailer for "The Invisible Man"YouGov’s survey reveals people are indeed moving online for content after the TRAI order was passedGCC residents more likely to see Coronavirus as a major threat than people in Europe and AmericaSveriges Radio är årets stjärnvarumärkeHvor mange streamingtjenester er danskerne villige til at betale for?Americans say this popular diet is effective and inexpensiveNetflix is American's most streamed platform. Is there room for ads?This is America’s favorite Girl Scout Cookie How do attitudes to coronavirus differ across the world?How do attitudes to coronavirus differ across the world?How do attitudes to coronavirus differ across the world?How do attitudes to coronavirus differ across the world?More than half of Indians are excited to watch Ayushmann Khurrana’s same-sex love storyHur firade vi turturduvornas dagFacemask frenzy sends Watsons brand health on the riseŠkoda races to the top of YouGov’s Recommend Car RankingsHere’s how many Americans have broken up on Valentine’s DayThe grocery store you never heard of is America’s most Recommended brandDoes online outrage really affect brands in real life?Two thirds of Hong Kongers afraid of contracting the Wuhan coronavirusShopee dominates YouGov’s annual Indonesian Buzz RankingsDigital brands top YouGov’s annual Hong Kong Buzz RankingsThree in ten Indians from tier-3 cities are open to the idea of premarital sexMore than half of UAE residents feel the Expo will boost the country’s economyMany Americans say the Oscars have a diversity problemA Government job is highly favoured by small town residents of IndiaOld favorites, Olympics will be big draw for NBC’s new streaming serviceEtihad Airway’s recent communication achieves cut-through among UAE residentsDigital brands rule YouGov’s annual Thailand Buzz RankingsShopee dominates YouGov’s annual Malaysian Buzz RankingsWhat men and women really want for Valentine’s DayHere's where advertisers can reach Oscars viewers Ad of the Month UK – ColgateWhy GM is resurrecting the Hummer namePlanters killed its mascot. Was it worth it?One-third of Americans say their ideal relationship is non-monogamousHver fjerde dansker har et nytårsforsæt for 20201 av 5 svenskar har ett nyårslöfte för 2020Yhdellä viidestä on uudenvuodenlupaus vuodelle 2020Mer enn hver fjerde nordmann har et nyttårsforsett for 2020Many Americans don't always wash their hands after going to the bathroomAmericans say these were the best Super Bowl halftime shows of the past decadeNFL in Germany – A fan profileThe beer brands 49ers fans and Chiefs fans can agree onA large majority of UAE residents like the new national logoSafety for women and better jobs are the biggest expectations from the budget second time in a rowEmirates, Almarai and WhatsApp top the 2019 YouGov BrandIndex Buzz Rankings in the Middle EastGoogle tops the 2019 YouGov BrandIndex Buzz Rankings in IndiaAlmarai tops the 2019 YouGov BrandIndex Buzz Rankings in Saudi ArabiaWhat America plans to eat (and drink) during the Super Bowl this yearOne in five Millennials has changed their diet to reduce their impact on the planet Emirates tops the 2019 YouGov BrandIndex Buzz Rankings in the UAE for the third timeHer er de bedst omtalte varemærkerHer er Norges snakkis-topp for 2019Lidl ykkösenä BrandIndex-pöhinämittauksessa 2019Volvo är fortfarande i toppWhatsApp tops the 2019 YouGov BrandIndex Buzz Rankings 2019 in EgyptSuper Bowl ads: How long does the glow last?Most Americans believe in soulmates Eurooppalaisten näkemykset muodista ja eettisyydestäEuropæerne om mode og etikEuropeerne om mote og etikkEuropéerna om mode och hållbarhetTrump mest omtalt, men NAV-skandalen har gjort mest inntrykkConsumer confidence rises in closing days of last decadeHalf of UAE residents are likely to buy a self-driving car in the future‘Saving more’ continues to be the top financial goal of Indians in 2020Half of Americans are concerned about developing Alzheimer'sSunsilk’s ‘Rethink Pink’ campaign strikes a chord with UAE residents, especially womenProfiles Peeks: il profilo di un trentenne non laureatoYouGov Ad of the Month – Malaysia: CliniqueUK Ad of the Month – On the BeachExercising more and saving money are the most popular 2020 New Year’s ResolutionsAround a third of Indians feel women safety should be the focus of 2020From pets to presidents, here’s what we learned about America this year A majority of UAE residents are optimistic about 20205 of the Most Impactful Advertisers of 2019 Teenage Brits’ attitudes to climate changeWhat’s next in smart home sales? Lights, cameras, and actionSuomalaiset ja joululahjatDanskerne og julegaverSvenskar och julklapparNordmenn og julegaverInitial analysis of YouGov’s election pollingWorld Justice Project & YouGovYouTube Music reigns supreme as the most frequently used music app in IndiaWho’s winning the delivery app war?Parents of young children expect to spend more on video game gifts this holiday season因香港社會動亂而遭受最嚴重打擊的品牌Global Village’s re-opening campaign continues to resonate with UAE residentsSlik ser vi verdenscupen i langrennSå här tittar vi på världscupen i längdskidåkningMost Americans will have a Christmas treeNetflix and LINE most recommended brand amongst ThaisMalaysia’s most recommended brandsHong Kong’s most recommended brandsYouGov Ad of the Month – Indonesia: RedDoorzThe brands hit hardest by the social unrest in Hong KongThe top consoles and games this 2019 holiday season, according to parentsSvenskarnas största shoppingdagDanskernes største shoppedagWhat motivates Americans to donate to charity?Consumer confidence rises, powered by house pricesHär är de offentliga organisationer som svenskarna föredrarA majority of Indians think theirs is a tea-drinking nationAllt fler positiva till livsmedelsbutikernas egna varumärken (EMV)Gathering views of people with a range of advanced or terminal conditions regarding assisted dyingMajority of Malaysians do not understand the gender pay gapMore than half of UAE residents favour the country’s new sugar taxAmerica thinks Taylor Swift should be allowed to perform her old songs at the AMAs What Americans think about same-sex couples and adoption Americans have positive views of adoptionGoogle tops the 2019 YouGov Brand Advocacy Rankings in India yet againEmirates, mada and iPhone top the 2019 YouGov Brand Advocacy Rankings in the Middle EastiPhone tops the 2019 YouGov Brand Advocacy Rankings in Egyptmada tops the 2019 YouGov Brand Advocacy Rankings in Saudi ArabiaEmirates tops the 2019 YouGov Brand Advocacy Rankings in the UAEVipps er Norges mest anbefalte merkevareFlest vil anbefale Lærerstandens Brandforsikring Swish är det mest rekommenderade varumärket Fiskars ja Fazer kärjessä Suomen suositelluimmat brändit-listauksessaDubai residents feel positive about this year’s Dubai Fitness ChallengeA majority of residents say air pollution will be a key influencer in the 2020 Delhi State ElectionTV sitcom reboots: What America wants to watchMost Americans would prefer a four-day work weekMost parents wish they were having family dinners more often Pepsi fizzes out in IndonesiaDärför flyttar svenskarnaGlobal Village’s latest adverts achieve cut-through among UAE residentsHvilken tandpasta putter vi helst på tandbørsten?A majority of Indian millennials think they had a better childhood than their successorsThis is the most popular wine in AmericaWhat does the public think about fundraising as a career?Magasin er danskernes shopping-favoritReasonable adjustments in the provision of legal servicesProviding in-depth insight into the impact of caringAPAC Advertising Industry StudyThis is America's favorite Sesame Street characterPDSA Animal Wellbeing (PAW) ReportHonesty and social media - A case of sharing without caring?More than half of Indians think online streaming platforms require content censorshipOver half of millennials plan to take at least one vacation this winterMiele er danskernes foretrukne valg inden for hårde hvidevarerUAE residents want innovation in smartphones but don’t expect it to happen anytime soonConsumer confidence shrinks, while Boris misses Brexit deadlineThree in five Indonesians have considered moving abroadFewer than half of Americans would date across party linesWomen are spending as much time as men on playing real money games onlineUAE residents are more uncomfortable having a robot as a boss than a colleagueWhich services are business most likely to outsource?An inside look at the Marketing Week Masters Brand of the Year shortlistHow Greggs got customers to see it with new eyesMost parents steal their kid’s Halloween candyMany Americans believe ghosts and demons existThese are the safest financial investments, according to Americans Greggs wins brand of the year award powered by YouGov data Half of Thais work in jobs unrelated to their degreesOne-third of Americans with siblings say their mother has a favorite child Samsung emerges again as top brand amongst young FilipinosFacebook emerges again as top brand amongst young ThaisHalf of women believe that America has a rape cultureThe Indian running boom – How distance running became big business for sponsorsSwiggy tops the 2019 YouGov NextGen Word of Mouth Rankings in IndiaAirAsia emerges again as top brand amongst young MalaysiansMost Americans support vaping bansiPhone, Alrajhi Bank and Facebook top the 2019 YouGov NextGen Word of Mouth Rankings in MENAFacebook tops the 2019 YouGov NextGen Word of Mouth Rankings in EgyptAlrajhi Bank tops the 2019 YouGov NextGen Word of Mouth Rankings in Saudi ArabiaShopee the most positively talked about brand amongst Indonesian young adultsiPhone tops the 2019 YouGov NextGen Word of Mouth Rankings in the UAEAlipay HK the most positively talked about brand amongst Hong Kong young adultsNetflix kärjessä nuorten YouGov- rankingissaHer er de unges favoritterVilka varumärken pratar unga svenskar om?Her er de unges topp 10 merkevarerWhat makes people in major football markets attend games – and what keeps them away?Most Indians would seek professional help for mental health issues but stigma still exists for manyThe New iPhone 11 series launch achieves the greatest uplift in Ad AwarenessHalf of Malaysians work in jobs unrelated to their degreesMost American women report being sexually harassedHow do Americans like their breakfast foods? Most Americans are confident they would know how to help someone experiencing domestic violenceiPhone, OnePlus or Samsung: Who will win the smartphone race this festive season?Amazon’s rebrand from is positively received by UAE residentsThree in five Hong Kongers spending more time on the Internet Almost seven in 10 Americans are comfortable with women breastfeeding next to them in publicConsumer confidence dips to six-year low ahead of Brexit deadlineIs customer advocacy all about service? 2019 Infographic: What makes a good PR story?Four out of five Americans are familiar with at least one type of cryptocurrencyFewer gamers are talking about Fortnite and more are buzzing about World of WarcraftHow do growing online businesses successfully compete with the titans during Black Friday?Rugby World Cup: The lesser-spotted US rugby fanMore than half of UAE residents trust brands with a social presenceInternational survey: most people expect to feel the effects of climate changeKroppsnöjdhet i EuropaKehotyytyväisyys EuroopassaKropstilfredshed i EuropaKroppstilfredshet i EuropaOnly 17% of Indians consider having insurance as a top financial priority9 Ottobre: Contagious Live Italy 2019Nissan controversy makes no dent in car salesMost Americans expect this year’s Emmys will be politicalInternational poll: most expect to feel impact of climate change, many think it will make us extinctCruising in style: What Americans think of cruise travel and brandsCruising in style: What Americans think of cruise travel and brandsInternationell undersökning: de flesta förväntar sig att känna av effekterna av klimatförändringenInternational undersøgelse: De fleste mennesker forventer at opleve effekterne af klimaforandringerInternasjonal undersøkelse: Folk flest er bekymret over klimaendringene...Kansainvälinen kysely: useimmat arvelevat joutuvansa kärsimään ilmastonmuutoksen vaikutuksistaHow much did the recent controversies affect brand ‘Zomato’?YouGov RealTime uncovers holiday advertising awareness among kidsMany Americans say they have experienced suicidal thoughts Millennials’ food choices are driven by quality and they’re willing to pay more for itKFC’s new ads raise awareness in the UAEAmericans say the government should provide flu vaccines for detained migrantsIs it gender discrimination to offer scholarships for women in STEM? Many men say yesUAE parents have high concerns over their child’s exposure to inappropriate online contentMost Brits expect recession, as consumer confidence dips to six-year lowWhat do Americans think of minimalism?43% of people in India are planning to spend more this Diwali seasonMost Americans believe teachers in their community are not paid enoughChannel 4 & YouGovMost Americans think Trump is responsible for the stock marketChildcare expenses are a significant financial strain for most parentsGoogle tops the YouGov annual brand health rankings in IndiaEmirates, Al Baik and Google are the healthiest brands in MENA in 2019Google is the most positively perceived brand in EgyptAl Baik is the most positively perceived brand in Saudi ArabiaEmirates tops YouGov’s annual brand health rankings yet againTekno-giganter dominerer YouGovs globale imagerankingTeknikjättar dominerar YouGovs globala imagerankningTeknologiajätit jyräävät YouGovin maailmanlaajuisessa imagolistauksessaTech-giganter dominerer YouGovs globale image-rankingIndonesians unimpressed with Garuda Indonesia inflight menu gaffeMost Americans say white supremacy is a serious problem in the USSvenskar skulle helst skänka pengar till Barncancerfonden och Läkare utan gränserSamsung generates greatest uplift in Ad Awareness in KSA in JulyJio, MakeMytrip and Paytm are the most trusted online brands, along with Amazon Her er hotellerne, vi helst vil bo påMany Americans say Hollywood should be more diverseConfidence static as No Deal Brexit loomsThe West is sceptical of China – but other countries are more positive about its influenceMore than 8 in 10 Indians are open to buying sustainable fashion itemsSuccess in the modern workplaceThree in ten Indonesian women have experienced sexual harassmentOne in five Thais have experienced sexual harassment Over a third of Malaysian women have experienced sexual harassmentMajority of UAE parents consider technology to be beneficial to their child’s developmentA look at the insurance industry: What Americans think of property and casualty providersWho is watching the Tour de France – and why?YouGov and Nationwide build brand trust with storytelling YouGov Plan and Track provides highly relevant data to T-MobileHow YouGov helped Dtex improve organizational securityHow YouGov RealTime understands consumers on a global level How YouGov and Salt Branding joined forces in the stock media spaceIs Maestro reshaping the pizza market in Saudi Arabia?More than half of mutual fund investors in India are thinking of increasing their scores high recall in the ICC Cricket World Cup 2019Amusement parks are the most preferred spots for a staycation in the UAEMost Republicans believe people who burn the US flag should be stripped of citizenshipOrang tua Indonesia terpecah dalam hal mengkriminalisasi hukuman fisikผู้ปกครองชาวไทยมีความคิดเห็นที่แตกต่างกันเกี่ยวกับการประกาศให้การลงโทษทางกายเป็นสิ่งผิดกฎหมายผู้ปกครองชาวไทยมีความคิดเห็นที่แตกต่างกันเกี่ยวกับการประกาศให้การลงโทษทางกายเป็นสิ่งผิดกฎหมายHver fjerde dansker: Jakob Fuglsang vinder årets Tour de France Measuring the success of a charity brand partnershipDomino’s “Calamity-free Eid” campaign achieves cut-through among KSA residents半數香港人考慮過移民 大马家长对学校体罚有不同看法Ibu bapa di Malaysia mempunyai pendapat yang berbeza tentang hukuman fizikal di sekolah-sekolahMalaysian parents split on corporal punishment in schoolsThe Power of Daily Brand TrackingMajority of Indians watch foreign and regional content with subtitlesFlere menn enn kvinner ser på kvinne-VMFler män än kvinnor tittar på fotbolls-VM för damerHalf of Hong Kongers have thought about migrating Thai parents split on criminalising corporal punishmentIndonesian parents split on criminalising corporal punishmentMost Americans believe the government is hiding info about UFOs“Made in Germany” is the best thing you can see stamped on your productNorth India is using iPhone, while OnePlus dominates the WestGauging opinion on the UK’s current educational systemUAE residents open to sustainable fashion but price still drives purchasesAbout half of Americans don't know what happened at the Stonewall RiotsFive tips to ensure your research-led B2B thought leadership piece makes an impactMeasuring Mothercare’s “Body Proud Mums” campaignOver 30% LGBTQ+ members are finding love through dating appsMost Americans say sex education should be LGBTQ+-inclusiveConsumer confidence slips as Tory leadership campaign delays Brexit solutionHur ser vi på EUs framtid?Hvordan ser vi på EU's fremtid?Millaisena näemme EU:n tulevaisuuden?Satu perempat daripada rakyat Malaysia telah mengalami keinginan untuk membunuh diri在四位大马民众当中,有一位有过自杀念头每十個香港人中就有三人曾經出現過心理健康問題Seperempat orang Indonesia pernah memiliki pikiran untuk bunuh diriA quarter of Indonesians have experienced suicidal thoughtsMajority of Indians think their smart device is spying on themWhat Americans think of Michael Jackson ten years after his deathLack of driving experience is the biggest roadblock for would-be women drivers in Saudi ArabiaEver snooped through a partner's phone? You're not alonePerceptions of financial security: Insights into what financial security means to AmericansMLS Shorts – Hispanic audiences, millennials, and a college educationPeople of India want the Finance Minister to focus on affordable home loans and subsidised educationThree in ten Hong Kongers have experienced mental health issuesThe world’s largest digital news reportA quarter of Malaysians have experienced suicidal thoughtsMeraas’s recent expansion drives positive brand perception among UAE residentsResebolag som svenskarna föredrarWhat’s the impact of immigration, according to Europeans and Americans?Citizens of India demand more jobs, zero corruption and an improved economy from the Modi GovernmentHer er danskernes’s launch campaign strikes a chord with UAE residentsSkal dømte kunne lede landet? Exitpoll: Spænding til det sidsteExitpoll: Så tæt er deValgets første exitpollSidste måling inden valgdagenWhat motivates charitable giving?SF har tabt pustenAPAC Snacking Industry StudyTaj is the buzziest hotel in IndiaKlaus Riskær ligger til 0 procentMore than half of UAE residents are taking steps to beat air pollutionAre Indians getting a whiff of fresh air?Consumer confidence maintains 2019 high after tumultuous month in ParliamentPerodua is the best value-for-money car brandGauging perception on the 'phone boxes of the future'马来西亚人每天花将近四分之一的时间在社交媒体上Rakyat Malaysia menghabiskan hampir suku daripada hari mereka di media sosial三份一的香港人認為機械人對他們的工作構成威脅Three in five Malaysians would be less likely to hire a candidate with a tattooDisse tre partier står til succes-valg: Klima er en topprioritetMajority of UAE residents think their smart device is spying on themIndia or Australia: Who will reclaim the World Cup in 2019?Näin suomalaiset matkustavatSlik reiser nordmennSådan rejser danskerneFortsat stor føring til rød blokWe ask businesses in nine countries: should workers or customers come first?Most UAE residents say their usage of grocery apps will increase during RamadanSå här reser svenskarnaSocialdemokratiet står stadig til sejrMost Americans plan to take road trips this summerOnko Eurovision laulukilpailu kansanjuhla Suomessa?Eurovision är en folkfest i SverigeEr Eurovision fortsatt en folkefest blant nordmenn?Er Eurovision stadig en folkefest blandt danskerne?What Americans think of solo travelUAE and Egypt consumers respond positively to Netflix’s original contentDet här vill vi svenskar helst göra på semestern