Singapore Tourism Board launches 3D OOH campaign in 5 metropolises globally: has it made an impact?

Singapore Tourism Board launches 3D OOH campaign in 5 metropolises globally: has it made an impact?

Samuel Tan - March 28th, 2024

The Singapore Tourism Board (STB) recently launched a series of 3D billboards – aimed at providing an immersive showcase of the island city’s iconic landmarks and culinary attractions – in five major cities across the globe.

The digital out of-home (DOOH) activation is part of STB’s latest “Made in Singapore” global campaign, which aims to inspire travellers to choose Singapore as their next holiday destination.

As these 3D billboard screenings complete their run this March, latest data from YouGov Global Travel Profiles sheds light on:

  • the level of awareness of Singapore travel advertising in these five metropolises
  • the amount of positive buzz around Singapore as a travel destination
  • how Singapore ranks against other most considered travel destinations among residents of each city

What proportion of residents in STB’s target markets recall seeing ads promoting Singapore as a travel destination?

Data from YouGov Global Travel Profiles, as of late March 2024, reveals that around a third of residents of Jakarta (36%) and Mumbai (31%) say they recall seeing advertisements promoting Singapore as a travel destination in the past two weeks – the highest percentage among the five cities targeted by STB in this phase of the DOOH campaign. 

Meanwhile, about a fifth of Shanghai residents (21%) are aware of Singapore travel advertising in the past two weeks, but less than a tenth of New Yorkers (6%) and Londoners (3%) remember seeing any Singapore travel ads recently.

Have residents in STB’s target markets mostly heard good or bad things about Singapore as a travel destination?

Residents in each city were also polled on whether they heard something positive or negative about Singapore as a travel destination – whether in the news, media or in conversations with friends and family in the past two weeks.

Among those aware of recent advertisements promoting Singapore as a travel destination, about three-quarters in Jakarta (75%) and Shanghai (72%) say they have heard good things about the island city recently.

A majority of Mumbai (69%) and New York (59%) residents also indicate the same, but fewer than half of Londoners (45%) say they have heard something positive about Singapore in the past two weeks.

Across all five markets, fewer than 5% of residents say they have heard something negative about Singapore as a travel destination in the past two weeks.

Where does Singapore rank among destinations that residents in STB’s target markets are most thinking of visiting for their next vacation?

Data from YouGov Global Travel Profiles also reveals how consideration for Singapore as a leisure travel destination compares with other places, among residents in each of the targeted cities who have seen Singapore travel ads.

Singapore is the most considered holiday destination overall among ad-aware residents in Shanghai – ahead of Japan and Macau in East Asia and New Zealand in Oceania – and the most considered overseas vacation spot in New York – after the US territories of Hawaii and Saipan.

In Mumbai, Singapore is the second most considered leisure travel destination – after Dubai in the United Arab Emirates – and is the second most considered overseas holiday destination in Jakarta – after Japan, and the local islands of Bali and Lombok.

Meanwhile, Singapore is the eighth most considered leisure travel destination among ad-aware residents of London, and the second most considered vacation spot in Asia after Indonesia’s Bali island.

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Methodology: YouGov Global Travel Profiles tracks global consumer demand and attitudes towards travel on a daily basis. The data is based on continuously collected data from adults aged 16+ years in China and 18+ years in other markets. Data from each market uses a nationally representative sample apart from India and UAE, which use urban representative samples, and China, Egypt, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Thailand, which use online representative samples. Learn more about Global Travel Profiles.
