
Farmacia: un italiano su due acquista online, ma le insegne rimangono poco conosciuteYoung adults in UAE are more likely than others to buy a car online: YouGov StudyThe latest trends and consumer sentiments in Nordic travel and tourismWhat’s driving the increasing interest in women’s sportRunners are more charity-inclined than the general British populationTest creatives, concepts and campaigns with YouGov DirectHow Windflower Florist understood the potted plants market with YouGov SurveysAs banks try to become landlords, who would Britons prefer to rent from?US Travel Advertiser of the Month: Delta Global: The impact of influencer and celebrity endorsements on food, household products and alcohol Advertiser of the Month (Egypt) – Amazon US: When it comes to decisions around household finances and investments, who is calling the shots? Indonesians intend to use personal vehicles more than the pre-pandemic times in the futureUrban Indians intend to use personal vehicles more than the pre-pandemic times in the futureGlobal: Veränderungen und Trends bei AutokäufenGlobal: Public transport – including ride-hailing – likely to take hit over next twelve monthsGlobal: How much is the world driving now?Global: The impact of recommendation when it comes to choosing airlines and hotels Beziehung dank Dating-App: Liebe auf den virtuellen Blick YouGov Framework: Attitudes to fuel consumption and engine power of a carMedia consumption of makeup-wearers in urban IndiaUAE residents are likely to attend the Dubai Expo, with seven in ten planning to visit as touristsConsumer perceptions of Nintendo ahead of the launch of new Switch consoleGlobal: Drive less for the sake of the environment, say drivers What draws Brits to the lottery – and what is stopping others?Who are the casual investors of the Nordics?Global: Concern around catching COVID-19 Global: Three in ten have an unfavourable view of the banking industryOatly-Kundschaft kauft nachhaltigGlobal: The financial impact of COVID-19GB, US, Germany: What do football and motorsport fans make of cryptocurrency?Global: Attitudes towards dental careBlitzumfrage am Wahlabend: Ampel-Koalition am beliebtestenRapport international sur l’industrie automobile Dettol, Galaxy, Nescafe and Juhayna top YouGov’s FMCG/CPG Rankings 2021 in EgyptDettol, Galaxy, Almarai and Nadec top YouGov’s FMCG/CPG Rankings 2021 in Saudi ArabiaDettol, Oreo and Almarai top YouGov’s FMCG/CPG Rankings 2021 in UAEHow Indonesians perceived advertisements and sponsorships at a sports eventOnline gambling around the world: Where sports betting reigns supremeMost Americans would welcome vaccinated tourists from around the worldIf shoppers can’t get the next-gen console they want, what will they do?Despite Delta, American esports fans are comfortable going to live eventsUS: What makes drivers purchase from their preferred fuel brands? What the pandemic pet boom means for marketersASOS: Sustainability goals right on target for fashion retailerWhat's autumn got in store for UK travel? US: What do consumers think are the benefits of 5G?Sonntagsfrage vier Tage vor Bundestagswahl: Abstand zwischen SPD und Union nur leicht verringertYouGov FMCG/ CPG Rankings 2021 UAEYouGov FMCG/ CPG Rankings 2021 EgyptYouGov FMCG/ CPG Rankings 2021 KSAAPAC: FMCG Rankings 2021 Nivea and Mama top YouGov’s FMCG/CPG Rankings 2021 in ThailandYouGov FMCG/CPG Rankings 2021 features the healthiest brands in IndonesiaDettol tops YouGov’s FMCG/CPG Rankings 2021 in Hong KongYouGov FMCG/ CPG Rankings 2021 MalaysiaYouGov FMCG/ CPG Rankings 2021 ThailandYouGov FMCG/ CPG Rankings 2021 ChinaYouGov FMCG/ CPG Rankings 2021 PhilippinesYouGov FMCG/ CPG Rankings 2021 IndonesiaCelebrity endorsements: How impactful are they for tech brands?Celebrity endorsements: How impactful are they for telco brands?A global look at who has found love through an appHow many consumers prioritize brand values when picking a telco?How many consumers prioritize brand values when picking tech products?YouGov FMCG/ CPG Rankings 2021 JapanYouGov FMCG/ CPG Rankings 2021 South KoreaYouGov FMCG/ CPG Rankings 2021 Hong KongUK & Ireland: YouGov FMCG Rankings 2021 US: YouGov FMCG/CPG Rankings 2021Urban Indians look forward to a golden Diwali, with nearly three in ten planning to spend on goldYouGov FMCG/ CPG Rankings 2021 - BrazilYouGov FMCG/ CPG Rankings 2021 - MexicoYouGov FMCG/ CPG Rankings 2021 - CanadaYouGov FMCG/CPG Rankings 2021 - United StatesFMCG/CPG Rankings 2021YouGov FMCG/CPG rankings 2021Här är de högst rankade konsumtionsvarornaYouGov FMCG/CPG rankings 2021YouGov FMCG/CPG rankings 2021Her er Norges topp 10 dagligvarerHer er danskerne favoritter inden for dagligvarerYouGov FMCG/CPG rankings 2021YouGov – päivittäistavarakaupan alan brändien ranking 2021YouGov FMCG/CPG Rankings 2021 UK & IrelandHow Continental AG tracked the impact of Tour de France sponsorship using YouGov BrandIndexTrotz Wahlaufrufe: Fritz-Kola im Regal nur selten erste WahlInfographic: Will Diwali 2021 boost real estate sales in India?How Hawai‘i Tourism Authority measures travel sentiment with YouGovLes 18-24 ans et les jeux vidéo Wie die Deutsche Telekom mit YouGov die Markenperformance misst und Trends entdecktSonntagsfrage: SPD bleibt weiter 5 Prozentpunkte vor UnionLa popularité de l'iPhone auprès des 18-34 ansRonaldo re-signing looks a coup for UnitedAre young cricket fans driving Disney+ Hotstar’s Buzz?Vilka djur kan svenskarna besegra?Hvilke dyr kan danskerne slå i en kamp?iPhone users happily pay for streaming subscriptions, but watch for fatigueTop 10 Biggest Mover im September 2021: Rowenta The usage of mobile networks in ThailandAustralians' attitudes and behaviours on gamblingAsian consumers’ preference on mooncake during Mid-Autumn Festival 2021An inside look into Saudi Arabia's Gen Z Video streamersAdvertiser of the Month im September: Amazon Alexa Who is a regular streamer in Saudi Arabia?US may see surge in holiday smartphone purchasesDeutschland braucht dringend 5G-AufklärungUK – Biggest Brand Movers – September 2021Was motiviert Online-Glücksspieler weltweit?Valgmåling august 2021Diversität in der Werbung: Tun Marken genug, um ihre Kunden zu repräsentieren?Global: Motivators and barriers to gambling Opposition to a 2-year FIFA World Cup is strong, but how much would it affect viewership?Most Britons want to ban cigarettes – and half want to ban vaping productsSonntagsfrage: Die SPD bleibt stark, Union bei 21 Prozent JD Wetherspoon’s beer shortage hits public perceptionsBritons, Germans, Americans more likely to say they’re mentally healthy than physically healthyGlobal: Which consumers count their calories? How Deutsche Telekom monitors brand developments and identifies market trends with YouGovThree in ten urban Indians have changed their primary bank in the pastGroße Mehrheit der Deutschen nutzt Online-Banking, aber wofür genau?The switching behaviour of Thailand consumers during COVID-19A Profile Peek on Singapore Early Tech AdoptersGen Z: The challenge – and opportunities – in social media marketingUS Finance Advertiser of the Month August: Wells FargoUK Automotive Advert of the Month August: VauxhallYouGov study – International Telco Report 2021How leading Italian automotive company measured campaign success across Europe with YouGov Die Mobilitätswende braucht einen ParadigmenwechselUrban Indians’ festive spending intent has improved since last year Only one in five Americans considering purchasing EVs in the futurePerception des constructeurs automobiles en FranceWie wirkt sich Datenverlust auf die Kundentreue aus?Sonntagsfrage: Union verliert weiter, SPD baut Vorsprung aus Deliveroo users set to fill their BootsWill people miss fossil fuel cars once they're gone?What's in store for the CPG sector in the US? Oreo Café launch: A sweet treat for fans and the brand Global: Consumers are ready to buy more sustainable products once the pandemic ends Advertiser of the month (Egypt): Tiger Automate direct messages on Instagram to offer effective customer supportHow YouGov helps E.ON Nordics track its brand and target with precisionUS Advertiser of the Month: DoveIn the mindset of Nordic heavy media streamersIf price were not a constraint, half of UAE residents would take a flight to spaceHow popular is esports betting around the world? How Justitia decoded global attitudes towards free speech with YouGov SurveysInternationale Akzeptanz der 5G-Technologie: Deutsche eher verhalten Brands should segment audiences based on buying behaviours to drive sales  Post-pandemic shopping habits: The increased importance of consumer budgetingPost-pandemic shopping habits: The importance of hygiene and health benefits of products Marketing to crypto-curious BritonsWhat do consumers in Australia, Britain, US, the UAE, and Germany think of insurance? Indonesians are more likely than other global consumers to pay more to access 5GMore than half of UAE residents are willing to pay more for 5G accessInternationell undersökning: Hur ser den närmaste framtiden ut för 5G?Kansainvälinen tutkimus: Miltä näyttää 5G:n lähitulevaisuus?International undersøgelse: Hvordan ser fremtiden ud for 5G?Internasjonal undersøkelse: Hvordan ser den nære fremtiden ut for 5G?Travel advertiser of the month: Trivago’s success in the US and UKWhat draws British women to online betting? What deters them?Half of America’s full-time remote workers use a VPN Advertiser of the month UK: AppleThe Olympics sponsors that made the biggest impact in the US and UKMost Americans likely to stay shy of cryptocurrencyAdvertiser of the Month im August: TikTokDas ist die beliebteste cloudbasierte Software unter GamernAdvertising channels that attract Australian car-buyers8 tips to get the most out of YouGov DirectSantander - Warum der Funke bei der neuen Werbe-Kampagne überspringtWohnkosten in der Corona-Krise: Für ein Viertel der Menschen weltweit ist es härter gewordenSonntagsfrage: SPD überholt CDU/CSU Heartstrings and purse strings: Coupling up with Love Island continues to drive Ad AwarenessWhat Brits are looking for in their next overseas holidayJohn Lewis making a savvy move into financial productsYouGov Recommend Rankings 2021 IndiaAngela Merkel’s legacy, according to Europeans and AmericansNeue Rubrik - Advertiser of the Month: McDonald`sDiversity in ads: Are brands doing enough?Johnson & Johnson sees rise in Recommendations following vaccine approval Rapport YouGov sur la RSE des marquesYouGov Framework: Fitness habitsHow Linear used YouGov to measure brand health and stay ahead of the competitionHaribo zeigt die beliebteste Werbung – die vor allem von den Älteren gesehen wirdLufthansa gewinnt umfassende Daten über die Markenwahrnehmung mit dem YouGov BrandIndexWhat’s in store for the FMCG sector in Asia?The Olympics hosted an esports event - who tuned in?Understanding the impact of McDonald’s loyalty programRapport International : l’adoption de la 5G dans le monde Bridgestone: A tale of two Olympic GamesHow a global software company surveyed the world about tech fraud with YouGov Custom ResearchHow YouGov helped the Rugby League World Cup attract 12 new sponsorshipsConsumers skeptical tech firms are doing enough to minimize environmental impactThe power of the FIFA video game franchiseAufsteiger des Jahres sind Euromaster, Preis24 und Tank & Rast Tokyo Olympics 2020: Can the commitment towards Diversity & Inclusion bring the world together?Where are gamblers in Singapore likely to place their bets?US: Top 10 Consumer Bank Buzz Movers - July 2021 Global: What kind of stores are shoppers returning to first? Urban India’s perception of the government’s handling of the Coronavirus crisis has improvedHow Lufthansa gained comprehensive brand perception and competitive benchmarks with YouGovOnline-Glücksspiel weltweit: Klassische Lotterie und Sportwetten am beliebtestenBiggest Movers im August 2021: PayPal und Klarna. auf Rang 1Global: How consumers respond to cookies disclosuresFarage RNLI attack improves Britons’ perceptions of the charityEuropäer haben mehrheitlich positive Meinung zu Angela MerkelUK – Biggest Brand Movers – August 2021Urban Indians think PV Sindhu, Mary Kom and PT Usha have made India proud at an international levelHow do data leaks affect customer loyalty?Spaß und Gewinnfantasien als Motivatoren für Online-Glücksspiel weltweit an erster StelleIs Esports an untapped market for Australian advertisers?Two in five Britons think mortgage applications are unfairAs Mike Ashley resigns from Sports Direct, what state has he left the brand in? US: One in three Americans think mortgage criteria are “unfair”KiK verbessert sein ImageChildren’s influence on parent’s buying behaviourRoaming charges are coming back for Brits – many may shop around to avoid themChoose relevant B2B content strategiesHow safe are the COVID-19 vaccines seen as internationally?Global: What do consumers think about homeopathy and alternative medicine?Global: COVID-19 and accommodation costs Werbelieblinge der Deutschen: Haribo wieder an der Spitze und Aldi holt auf Ad of the Month (USA) - Oreo Monzo need to make noise to get a hearingLes marques qui progressent le plus au mois de juillet 2021The media, fashion companies and the pressure of having a perfect bodyPhysical appearance and sexual attractivenessPersonal preferences about body hairBritons and body confidencePhysical appearance in today’s societyAd of the month (UK): Santander UK US Finance Advertiser of the Month: Capital OneOhne Alkohol durch die EM: Erdinger Alkoholfrei punktet bei der Euro 2020UK Automotive advert of the Month July: DaciaAd of the Month (Hong Kong) – Alipay HK US Automotive Advert of the Month July: ToyotaAd of the Month (UAE) – ADNOC Klimawandel: Den Grünen wird größte Lösungskompetenz zugeschrieben 5G: Besorgnis auf der ganzen Welt spürbarWhat do UK football gamers think of the PES rebrand to eFootball? We chatted with them to find out.Rapport international sur le marché des jeux d’argent et des parieurs en 2021Summer Olympics likely to get same attention even if it was held every two years Delhi Crime Season 2 is the most awaited web series of 2021, YouGov surveyGlobal: What car maintenance do drivers personally perform?Perceptions of banking in four major hubsHow often do consumers in major markets change their tyres? Welche Sponsoren in Tokio das Rennen machenAutomobile : qui sont les Français qui prennent en charge leur entretien ?Sponsors are already winning medals among Japan’s Olympic fansGreat Britain: Top 10 banking and building societies buzz movers in JuneUS: What do electric car buyers want from their next vehicle?How much do Brits plan to spend on their next car? Global: Will 5G find its way into consumer’s pockets?ASOS sewing up customer satisfaction Sonntagsfrage: Verluste sowohl bei Union und Grünen, aber wachsender Abstand zwischen beiden Barriers to betting among Brits Würden Deutsche ausländische Touristen ohne Impfung und Selbstisolation ins Land einreisen lassen?YouGov Framework: Loyalty programme members also more likely to recommend brandsUnderstanding the American gamblerMore than half of UAE & KSA residents trust review and rating sites and find them to be usefulAs Told By Teens: Showcasing YouGov's Latest DataMehrheit der Deutschen ist für Erhalt von Metzgereien, kauft aber Fleisch im SupermarktThe best email marketing metrics to useHomebuyers want websites and apps more than agents and realtorsMore than half of the pent-up demand for 2 wheelers likely to be recovered during festive season Routineimpfungen in Zeiten von COVID-19 – Verpasst, verschoben oder durchgeführt?EURO UEFA 2020 – Quel bilan pour les marques sponsors ?Travel rules are unclear — what brands can do to win over travellers YouGov Teen Profiles – a better way to understand and engage Gen ZHow safe are the COVID-19 vaccines seen as internationally?Kylie Jenner deal helps Boots keep up with the kustomers What do gamers think of the Steam Deck, Valve’s new portable PC gaming device? Three in ten Americans who aren’t interested in sports will tune into the OlympicsHow big of a stadium crowd are consumers comfortable with? Wie klar sind die Reiserichtlinien und Einschränkungen im Zusammenhang mit COVID-19?How a major TV broadcaster measured brand impact associated with events via YouGov SurveysHow a top social media brand developed an ad effectiveness framework using YouGov SurveysSafety and cost-effectiveness Americans’ top concerns over summer trips Global: How clear are travel guidelines and limitations related to COVID-19? Global: Up to half of Americans and Britons are now trying to buy ethicallyHow YouGov measured a 73% boost in brand awareness for Molson Coors following Netflix feature5G: Gauging concern around the worldResponsible tourism: Which types of advertising work?Xfinity’s latest esports activation already paying offDer Biggest Mover im Juli 2021: Textil-Discounter KiKUrban Indians likely to invest in cryptocurrency,but demand is lesser among those who never owned itGreggs on a roll as Current Customer scores improveUS: Top 10 Recommend Rankings 2021Welche Werbung funktioniert am besten für verantwortungsbewusste Reisende?The world has spoken: YouGov’s Global Recommend Rankings 2021UK: Top 10 Recommend Rankings 2021YouGov Recommend Rankings 2021 CanadaYouGov Recommend Rankings 2021 BrazilYouGov Recommend Rankings 2021 MexicoYouGov Recommend Rankings 2021 United StatesUnter Schmerzmitteln ist Markenbeziehung zu Voltaren am stärksten gewachsen Amazon Pantry tops YouGov's Recommend Rankings 2021 in IndiaGlobal: Did the public miss their vaccines because of COVID-19? YouGov Recommend Rankings 2021 IrelandYouGov Recommend Rankings 2021 UKRecommend Ranking 2021-Engelbert Strauss in Deutschland am häufigsten weiterempfohlen, Toyota globalGlobal: Consumers plan to increase their use of online grocery shopping post-pandemic YouGov Recommend Rankings 2021 MalaysiaYouGov Recommend Rankings 2021 ThailandYouGov Recommend Rankings 2021 ChinaYouGov Recommend Rankings 2021 AustraliaYouGov Recommend Rankings 2021 JapanYouGov Recommend Rankings 2021 PhilippinesYouGov Recommend Rankings 2021 South KoreaYouGov Recommend Rankings 2021 Hong KongYouGov Recommend Rankings 2021 SingaporeYouGov Recommend Rankings 2021 IndonesiaAd of the month (KSA): Coca-Cola UK – Biggest Brand Movers – July 2021Auslastung von Stadien zu Sportereignissen? Deutsche sind im europaweiten Vergleich am strengstenAd of the month (Vietnam): LG Ad of the month (Philippines): Bank of the Philippine Islands Ad of the month (Singapore): Shopee International travel sentiment is the strongest among UAE residents than other global consumersValgmåling juli 2020What drives millennials to switch mobile carriers? Fantasy sports: men and women participated equally in fantasy games in the past monthHow will Britons watch the Tokyo Olympics?Who are GB News’ audience?Did Heineken bottle it at Euro 2020? How a top sports league drove viewership numbers with YouGovAd of the Month (US): Applebee’s Ad of the month UK – Fever-Tree US: Job security and new job characteristicsFinance ad of the month (US): Navy Federal Credit Union Will users switch to the Nintendo Switch OLED? Americans and Brits remain wary of flyingL'évolution de la marque Dacia en termes de Rapport Qualité/PrixHow do Britons gamble?Global: A peek into gambling attitudesEmirates tops YouGov’s Recommend Rankings 2021 in the UAEAdidas tops YouGov’s Recommend Rankings 2021 in Saudi ArabiaiPhone tops YouGov’s Recommend Rankings 2021 in EgyptBlick auf die USA als Freund & Verbündeter heute besser als zu Regierungszeiten von Donald TrumpYouGov Recommend Rankings 2021 PolandYouGov Recommend Rankings 2021 RussiaMitä brändejä sinä suosittelisit ystävillesi?YouGov Recommend Rankings 2021 SwedenYouGov Recommend Rankings 2021 NorwayYouGov Recommend Rankings 2021 FinlandHer er mærkerne, vi anbefaler til vores venner og bekendteYouGov Recommend Rankings 2021 Denmark Vilka varumärken skulle du rekommendera till andra?Her er merkevarene vi vil anbefaleHow a global music company uses YouGov solutions to monitor artist resonanceAd of the month (Egypt) – Sting YouGov Recommend Rankings 2021 MENAEuropeans think it’s safe to have crowds at sports events, but not at full capacityYouGov Recommend Rankings 2021A look at the sponsors that have made the biggest impact during Euro 2020How Brits will bet on the OlympicsWie Corona die Reiselust der Deutschen verändert hatKopparberg's GB News row hits customer perceptionsUrban Indians have an appetite for travel but health & safety risks play the biggest barrierLes Français et le sponsoring d’événements sportifsJeder fünfte Deutsche will nach der Krise mobil bezahlen Sonntagsfrage: Union baut Vorsprung vor den Grünen ausPost-lockdown, are people comfortable attending in-person concerts? Weltweites Vertrauen in Nachrichten steigt wiederMillennials sind weltweit reisefreudigste Altersgruppe Kansainvälinen tutkimus: Millaisia ovat maailmanlaajuiset matkustusnäkymät tänä vuonna? Cars as a Service: Are Britons willing to subscribe to vehicles? Internasjonal undersøkelse: Hvordan ser det globale reiselandskapet ut i år? Internationell undersökning: Hur ser den globala situationen ut för resebranschen i år?International undersøgelse: Hvordan ser det globale rejselandskab ud i år? 80% des Français disent être sensibles à la cause animaleDo consumers support commercial efforts to get people vaccinated?A year of COVID-19: Confidence in government and healthcare institutions Want to market to male youth? Look to video games, not social mediaWhat do global consumers prefer as their future vehicle purchase method?How Miral improved brand health and targeted key audiences successfully with YouGovUS Automotive Advert of the month: FordUK Automotive advert of the month: FordUAE & KSA residents consider Pfizer-Biotech the safest Covid-19 vaccineGlobal: How the public feel about telehealthGlobal: Who does – and doesn’t – want to own a home? Qui sont les Français qui ont l’habitude de partir en croisière ?L’industrie du voyage en 2021 Windows 11 is coming. How long will users wait to upgrade?Are QR codes leaving older Americans behind?Frauen-Profisport bleibt hinter seinen Potenzialen zurückHow Vauxhall/Opel successfully tested their new TV ad campaign using YouGov SurveysQuel moyen de paiement sera privilégié par les consommateurs après la pandémie ?Werbekampagnen von Saturn und Media Markt – Fokus auf EM-Feeling und Post-Corona-Shopping Urban Indians think Covid situation in India is improving but worry about their personal financesUS: Mobile banking in the post-pandemic eraDo football fans want to abolish the “away goals” rule?Unterhaltsam aber wenig integrativ: Wie die weltweite Öffentlichkeit Videospiele in 2021 wahrnimmtWhat makes Australian drivers choose an electric car?European football’s biggest Buzz movers for June 2021Volvo's Consumer Insights Webinar On-DemandEin Viertel der Deutschen würde mehr Frauensport im TV schauen, wenn dort präsenterAll costs being equal, consumers still prefer hybrid cars over electricComment les jeux vidéo sont-ils perçus en 2021 ?Three in five urban Indians would watch more of women’s sport if it was more accessible on TV YouGovFIFA Women’s World Cup’s popularity peaks among UAE residents with nearly half showing interestEric Cantona ad on target for Sports DirectWhat’s stopping consumers from watching women’s sports? Lack of coverage, not caliber of playWorldwide trust in news up – but turning confidence into profit remains challenging¿Que frena a los consumidores de mirar deporte de mujeres?Deutsche sind Schlusslicht bei der Nutzung von Video-Bank-Beratungen, aber Potenzial vorhandenCash, card or smartphone: A global look at how consumers will pay after the pandemicFun, but not inclusive: How the public perceives video games in 2021 Warum der Smart-Home-Hype bisher ausbleibtFlaschenpost ist Biggest Mover im Juni 2021New Research: What Travelers Expect in 2021 and BeyondHow GOOD positioned themselves as thought leaders in purpose-based marketing with YouGov SurveysGlobal: How secure do people feel in their jobs?Etude européenne : qui remportera l’EURO 2020 ?Große Mehrheit nutzt WhatsApp nach Datenschutz-Streit weiterInternational Travel & Tourism Report - 2021: The road back to normalityEuropean survey: Who football fans think will win the EURO 2020Sparfüchse weltweit: Welche Rabatte Verbraucher beim Einkauf bevorzugenHow are Americans getting their information about 5G?Has football really lost its way with younger fans?KFC revives finger-licking good tagline as restrictions easeDo Thais like selling on Social Commerce?Quel type de promotions les consommateurs préfèrent-ils ? Eight in ten Malaysians believe the Covid-19 situation is worseningUK – Biggest Brand Movers – June 2021An inside look: India's early technology adoptersThe Telkomsel Story: The Importance of tracking customer perceptions of a brandWhat are the most popular holiday types in the Nordics?How do Hongkongers shop in the pandemic?The ‘Pandemic Effect’ on the American Shopper [Report] Sponsoring im Sport zeigt Wirkung – wenn es richtig gemacht istLa seconde vie du prêt-à-porterAd of the month Singapore – IKEA The most anticipated game announcements of E3 2021UK regulator looks into Google's practicesEin Viertel der Deutschen besitzt smarte Haushaltsgeräte, 10 Prozent davon eine smarte WaschmaschineMore than a third of urban Indians would self-medicate if they showed Covid symptomsValgmåling juni 2020Valgmåling maj 2021Most UAE residents think live events only for vaccinated people will help curb Covid in the EmiratesWhy American consumers are concerned about smart appliancesBT hit the back of the net with Hope United campaignCut-price consumers: how global customers prefer their discounts What's driving consumer desire for meatless products?I Top Improvers di Maggio del settore Profumerie & DrugstoreHow YouGov Surveys: Self-serve helped MFUSE run rapid ad testing for a Virgin Money campaignHow Back Market achieved 20pt brand awareness increase with YouGov brand trackingHow do consumers feel about banning ads promoting foods high in fat, salt and sugar?How Transport for Wales improved their new ad messaging within 24 hours with YouGov SurveysSchnellere Kauf-Abwicklung motiviert Deutsche weltweit am seltensten zum Offline-EinkaufWhat are Americans looking for on dating apps? Americans support dating apps providing background checks of usersEuropeans across five countries tend to think it is unlikely that the Tokyo Olympics will go aheadFast die Hälfte der Deutschen hört Podcasts – am liebsten ZuhauseLes marques qui progressent le plus au mois de maiConsumer confidence reaches five-year highRésultats du Baromètre YouGov France / Le HuffPost de juin 2021One in two Brits have multiple paid video streaming services; trend likely to continue post pandemicAchats en magasin : motivations et freins des consommateurs How consumers feel about push notifications in 2021Spiders, wasps or cockroaches – what is Britain’s most disliked creepy-crawly?EA Sports' Kiyan Prince tribute makes an impression on the publicVoting Intention: Con 46%, Lab 30% (2-3 June)Pub du mois de mai – Magnum « le plaisir a plus d’une dimension »One-quarter of Americans would eat a cicada-based foodCasinos: Almost four in ten of the public want to see mask compliance globally Les destinations qui séduisent les FrançaisTurismo y COVID-19. Las claves de las vacaciones de verano de 2021 Why consumers do – and don’t – shop through brick-and-mortar channels  Mehrheit der Deutschen würde gleiche Anzahl an Feiertagen in allen Bundesländern befürwortenUmweltschutz für sieben von zehn Deutschen ein Herzensanliegen Baromètre de la santé #6 - YouGov x 20 Minutes x DoctissimoExploring the most popular categories of mobile gamesGlobal: Online price checks are now driving decisions on whether to buy online or in-storeWhat do US drivers consider while buying the perfect set of tires?Laut Befragten in DACH: Pflegekräfte tragen am meisten zum Allgemeinwohl bei, Politiker am wenigstenQuel est le profil des clients de la marque Go Sport ?Staff vaccination & safe dining experience are top priorities to dine-in or order from a restaurantInfographic: UAE and Saudi Arabia's travel aspirations in 2021Schwenken Verbraucher zurück zum Offline-Einkauf?Ad of the month UAE: Vimto US Automobile advertiser of the month: BMWUK Automobile advertiser of the month: RenaultWhat is making flexitarians in the US and UK shift towards a meatless diet? Zum Weltelterntag: Großteil der Deutschen hat gutes Verhältnis zu den eigenen ElternAd of the month EGY – Talaat Moustafa Group Ad of the month UK – Premier Inn COVID-19: A year in reviewAd of the month the US – Google Search Audience insight: Esports fans and out-of-home advertisingWhat do Americans like on their burgers? Is the place people buy mobile phones changing? Profilo di persone senisbili alle promozioniAn Inside Look: Unpacking Meal Kit and Meal Kit Delivery SubscribersPotenzialgruppe für Video-Bank-Beratungen in Deutschland: App-affin und digital vernetztInternationell undersökning: Köpvanor under coronakrisenInternational undersøgelse: Indkøbsvaner under coronakrisenUS: Top post-vaccine travel and vacation trends marketers should knowEffort vs. luck: What do Americans think dictates success? Over one-third of coupled women are financially dependent on their partner