More Americans are buying up Fitbits
May 21st, 2020, Graeme Bruce

More Americans are buying up Fitbits

Americans appear to be purchasing Fitbits during the pandemic at the same rate as this January, when many Americans were eager to adhere to New Year’s resolutions.

According to YouGov data, between the time COVID-19 was declared a pandemic on March 11 and May 7, the number of Americans who said they’ve purchased from or subscribed to a Fitbit product in the last 12 months has increased by 24 percent.

Fitbit’s Current Customer score -- based on the question “Have you purchased or subscribed to products/services from any of the following brands in the last 12 months” -- reached a high of 5.5 percent, higher than figures seen during Christmas or New Year’s, traditionally when fitness-related electronics and subscriptions to help with resolutions see a bump.

The brand’s satisfaction score is also seeing a healthy increase. Satisfaction is based on the following questions: “Of which of the following brands would you say that you are a satisfied customer ” and “Of which of the following brands would you say that you are dissatisfied customer?”

Fitbit’s bump comes as daily life Americans see their daily habits change. An MTV/YouGov survey in mid-April asked if Americans were exercising more or less during these times -- roughly a quarter (24%) said they had exercised more and the same (24%) said they had exercised less.

Around the same time, 24 percent of Americans said they had gained weight since the beginning of the pandemic and roughly a third (36%) of Americans are also snacking more, according to a YouGov survey from early May.

As more Ameicans find their daily commutes have shrunk to the distance between bed and the kitchen table, those who are working from home are more likely than the general population to consider purchasing from Fitbit, YouGov data shows.

Methodology: Fitbit Purchase Intent score is based on an average daily same size of 2,087 US adults on a four-week moving average. Sample size of those working from home and considering Fitbit was 3,333.

Image: Getty

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