August rent is due soon and one in 11 people cannot afford their housing payments

August rent is due soon and one in 11 people cannot afford their housing payments

Hoang Nguyen - July 29th, 2020

The federal eviction moratorium covered under the CARES Act expired last week during a time when one in 11 people say they cannot afford their housing payment for August (9%).

According to a

YouGov survey fielded among 6,301 Americans

in late July, 64 percent say they can pay their rent or mortgage due in August. Since this question was first asked regarding April’s rent, roughly 65 percent of people say can make their housing payments month-to-month.

Americans aged 25- to 34-years old seem less confident in their ability to pay this month. Regarding August’s housing payments, just 56 percent of the age group say they can pay their rent or mortgage (eight points lower than what they said about July’s housing payments).

The federal eviction moratorium put in place at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic in the US has officially expired, though the Senate may consider extending evictions relief in future legislation. A separate YouGov survey finds that

nearly three in four people support extending the current moratorium on evictions



See results for this question regarding








, and


housing payments here



Image: Getty