New Study on Social Shopping in the Nordics
While social shopping has played a major role in Asia and in the Americas for a long time, it is now establishing itself in the Nordic countries.
A new YouGov study shows that 1 in 3 consumers in the Nordics have tried social shopping. Download the report
33% of people in the Nordic countries have tried social shopping and, 22% shops regularly via social media.
Every fifth person shops regularly via social media

64% of people in the Nordics have not tried social shopping, however, 24% can imagine doing so. In Norway, we see the highest proportion of social shopper rejecters. 45% of Norwegians have not tried social shopping and neither can they imagine doing so. Denmark has the second largest proportion of social shopping rejectors (41%), while only 32% of Finns and Swedes rejects social shopping.
People aged 18-39 are the most active shoppers

A general assumption is, that the youngest generation is the most active when it comes to social shopping. However, the 30-49 years old shops just as much via social media. Among the 40-49 years old 37% have tried social shopping while 28% of the 50+-year-olds have tried it.
What motivates consumers to buy something through social media?

The need for a product encourages most respondents to buy (47%). Other main reasons are discounts (28%) and the exclusivity of a product (27%). What appears surprising: Recommendations and advertising by influencers or celebrities play a lesser role (6% mention this as a reason for social shopping).
The main regional difference in what motivates consumers in the Nordics is discount promotions. The Finns are more encouraged by discounts (40% mention this as a reason for social shopping), while only 20% of Norwegians are encouraged by this.
YouGov surveyed consumers from YouGov’s proprietary panel in the Nordic countries (n = 4,044) using standardized online interviews on the subject of social shopping between January 12 and January 24, 2022 based on the YouGov Omnibus.
The results are representative of the population in the Nordics aged 18 and over. The full dataset is also linked to our target group analysis tool, YouGov Profiles, allowing for extensive and granular analyses of target groups and their attitudes towards brands