These brands had the most effective ad campaigns in Singapore in 2020
January 18th, 2021, YouGov

These brands had the most effective ad campaigns in Singapore in 2020

2020 has been a year of both challenges and opportunities for many of Singapore’s major brands and effective advertising remains key to the survival for many. But who, according to the YouGov data, has experienced the highest increase in advertising awareness over the past year?

In a list reflective of 2020, the five brands which achieved the highest increases in advertising awareness are: Shopee, Lazada, Dettol, Lifebuoy and Lalamove.

Shopee and Lazada registered by far the highest levels of advertising awareness among the five brands, standing at 63.5% and 54.2%, up from 44.2% and 41.1% respectively. The two large e-commerce platforms have understandably increased their marketing outlay with the pandemic accelerating the shift towards a more digital retail world.

Dettol, also no doubt energized by the health crisis, has raised its marketing profile considerably over the past year. The 26% annual increase in awareness for Dettol advertisements likely reflect the increased importance placed on the cleaning supplier’s products during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Lifebuoy, the Unilever soap brand, has also grown in profile. The increase in brand awareness looks to have been stimulated by a hand-washing campaign which ran across social media platforms, as well as by the move to donate soap, hand sanitizers and antibacterial wipes to frontliners in the healthcare services. Lifebuoy’s Ad Awareness initially spiked in March and has steadied since, representing an annual overall increase of awareness of 26% amongst Singaporeans.

The last on the list, Lalamove – Singapore’s leading on-demand delivery and service provider – has seen an annual increase in Ad Awareness of 166%, signifying the greatest respective jump in awareness across the five brands mentioned in this article. Lalamove’s high-profile move into the food delivery market this year may go some way to explaining this phenomenon.

Methodology: The listed brands saw the highest year-over year increase in Ad Awareness for the period November 8 – December 8. Increases listed on chart and in text refer to the scores on December 8, 2019 and December 8, 2020 on a four-week moving average.