Is there still hope for the high street?

Is there still hope for the high street?

YouGov - January 17th, 2019

YouGov analysis of how retail brands are faring on consumer perception in a challenging environment.

There’s no question that 2018 was a challenging year for retailers, with numerous profit warnings, store closures and job losses. Familiar names such as Toys R Us and Maplin disappeared altogether. Online shopping has clearly been a major factor in declining high street sales.

However, while much has been made of the “death of the high street”, some predominantly bricks-and-mortar brands such as Primark continue to profit.

Using YouGov’s planning and tracking tools, this paper looks at the link between consumer perception - particularly in terms of quality and value - and a brand’s fortunes. It explores which brands are declining in these metrics and which are thriving despite an uncertain economic climate.

For more insights on the Retail sector click here.