What do Americans like on their burgers?
May 28th, 2021, Jamie Ballard

What do Americans like on their burgers?

It’s Memorial Day weekend, which means many people will be putting burgers, hot dogs, ribs, and more on the barbecue to celebrate the occasion. Three in five (61%) Americans say that a burger is part of their ideal barbecue plate - but what are they putting on top?

A YouGov poll of more than 9,000 Americans finds that the most popular burger topping is cheese, with 67% saying they typically put this on their burgers. Lettuce (62%), tomatoes (58%), ketchup (58%), and onions (53%) are also popular with most Americans.


About half (48%) usually put some pickles on there as well, while 44% add mustard and 38% toss a few strips of bacon onto their burger.

The least popular topping/dressing choices among those polled are thousand island dressing (6%), ranch dressing (7%), hot sauce (8%), eggs (9%), and relish (9%).

Related: This is America's favorite cheese

Methodology: 9,394 US adults 18+ were surveyed between May 26 – 27, 2021. The responding sample is weighted to be representative of the US population.