Computer Assisted Telephone Interviews (CATI) Switzerland

We offer full service and 98% coverage in Switzerland

While online population-representative surveys in Switzerland can be conducted safely, reliably and with the highest data quality, depending on the composition of your individual target groups it may not be possible to reach a sufficient number of target persons online.

For these cases, we offer computer-assisted telephone interviews (CATI) as a supplementary or alternative form of survey. Our pool guarantees 98% coverage of the Swiss population.

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mother and daughter and audience insights in background

Representative and high-quality insights

With a total of over 300 modern interviewer workstations in Switzerland, our telephone studios cover all language regions and also help you reach offline target groups. With targeted recruitment and training of our interviewers, strict adherence to our high quality standards and the use of state-of-the-art survey and dialler technology, we offer the best conditions for in-depth and relevant insights.

Your professional CATI data collection

Are you an expert in surveys but looking for a specialist for the telephone field phase? Then you've come to the right place, as we are the largest CATI survey institute in Switzerland.

300 telephone stations, more than 500 native-speaking, highly trained interviewers in all parts of the country with continuous field support and monitoring guarantee the highest survey quality at the most attractive prices – see for yourself.

As specialists for statistically reliable surveys, we offer attractive and cost-effective ways to survey people who do not have a registered landline and can only be reached by mobile phone in a representative manner.

It all comes down to having the right sample

As a long-standing survey partner to the most demanding clients, such as various statistical offices and universities in the Swiss market, we know how important it is to have the right sampling basis and for the samples to be handled correctly.

We have the specialist know-how as well as the appropriate tools to guarantee representative surveys, such as our optimised address and sample management programme and our representative CATI pool.

Apart from register-based methods, our CATI pool is the only sampling framework in Switzerland with which people who do not have a registered landline and can only be reached by mobile phone can also be interviewed by telephone (98 per cent coverage of the Swiss population). Our CATI pool currently comprises around 550,000 members, who have been actively recruited exclusively by means of random digit dialling of mobile numbers (RDD Mobile) since 2019.

Full-service offer for your survey project

In addition to the actual field phase, we also provide you with support in terms of:

  • Methodological counselling: What is the best methodological approach for your research project? Are there any useful methodological additions?
  • Advice on questionnaire design and creation: including dialect readability, survey sequence/dramaturgy, correct wording
  • Data preparation and analysis: including tabular, dynamic or graphical data preparation, analyses using statistical methods
  • Interpretation of results or recommendations for action

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