How Smitten Communications and JustAnswer generated 40+ press mentions with YouGov Surveys

Business challenge
Smitten Communications sought to increase awareness by generating top-tier press attention for its tech client.
Commissioning a 10-question survey working with YouGov researchers to generate media placements
The survey results generated 45 unique placements for the client, including features in Huffington Post, Newsweek, and on local San Francisco KTVU-TV. The coverage also drove significant traffic to JustAnswer.com on the dates the stories appeared.

Business challenge
US PR firm Smitten Communications sought to generate press for its client JustAnswer, a platform that connects people with experts for professional advice online. A growing brand with a strong user base, JustAnswer wanted to expand awareness of its platform among consumers. Smitten Communications suggested JustAnswer run a survey about one of its 150+ categories in the hopes of results helping to generate coverage in top-tier media outlets.
YouGov Surveys’ quick-turnaround and researcher support on questionnaires allowed Smitten Communications to develop a 10-question survey in the hopes of delivering headline-grabbing results.
The survey asked consumers their opinions on two trending topics: family drama during the holidays and etiquette in confusing situations – both divisive issues that relationship and mental health experts at JustAnswer can help people navigate.
YouGov fielded the survey immediately and returned results within just a few days, together with an analysis of key findings. Smitten Communications then packaged the results into a press release, which YouGov researchers helped to review for objectivity.

The results from their YouGov Surveys work enabled Smitten Communications to secure 45 unique media placements for client JustAnswer - including features in Huffington Post, Newsweek, PureWow, and a television feature that ran on the local FOX affiliate in the Bay Area, where JustAnswer is headquartered – as well as delivering a significant spike in traffic to the site following the coverage.
Following the success of the project and the ease of working alongside YouGov, Smitten Communications plans to make quick-turnaround consumer surveys a more regular element of its PR proposals and is already ideating future projects with YouGov.
Client testimonial
“I’ve worked with lots of different survey vendors in the past and had a difficult experience. YouGov was super easy to work with, both in the creation and execution of the survey.”
-Aimee Grove, Principal, Smitten Communications