Urban Indians are most likely to notice endorsements of mobile phones and clothes on social media
YouGov’s new research reveals among the various categories of products and services endorsed by social media influencers, urban Indians claim they are ‘a lot likely’ to notice endorsements for mobile phones (46%) and clothes (45%). In comparison to this, 38% each think they are a little likely to notice such endorsements while 12% and 14%, respectively think they are not at all influenced by such testimonials.
While 25-34 year-olds are most likely among the different age groups to notice mobile phone endorsements by social media influencers (at 53%); those in the age group of 35-44 years are most likely to take notice of endorsements for clothes (at 54%).
When it comes to groceries and food items, while 39% of urban Indians claim they get influenced a lot by influencer endorsements, for 37% the influence is a little.
For other categories, such as tech devices, media streaming services, healthcare products, out-of-home entertainment, cosmetics, air travel and financial investments, the influence is more likely to be a little than a lot.
Data shows there is some polarity visible for categories such as video games and tickets for sports events. While 24% urban Indians say they are a lot likely to notice such endorsements for each of the categories, just as many (28% each) say they do not get influenced at all.
Gambling and bookmaking services is the only category where respondents are more likely to say they do not get influenced at all (42%) than those saying they get influenced a little (31%) or a lot (16%).
Methodology: The data is based on interviews of adults aged 18 and with a sample size of 1008 respondents. All interviews were conducted online in September 2022 on YouGov’s panel of 20 million people worldwide.