Biggest Brand Movers in the US (June 2022)

Biggest Brand Movers in the US (June 2022)

Hoang Nguyen - June 23rd, 2022

Every month, YouGov highlights the brands registering notable upticks in brand health and advertising performance.

Nissan leads the list in June making significant improvements across 11 of the 13 brand health metrics. The automaker’s lifts in media metrics such as Ad Awareness, Word of Mouth Exposure and Buzz come after news that one of its electric vehicles, the Nissan Ariya, will attempt an expedition from the North Pole to the South Pole.

The trip is meant to show that Nissan’s electric vehicles can handle the harshest of environments and alleviate consumer concerns of range anxiety—the worry that electric cars will run out of power before being able to reach a destination or charging point.

On a related note, Subaru also makes an appearance on the list following recent news that the carmaker plans to build a factory in Japan solely focused on producing electric vehicles. The car brand registered notable lifts in six metrics including Buzz, Impression, Value, Reputation, Recommend and Quality.

Three TV networks earned spots on the list this month including Oxygen, Disney Channel and CNN. NBCUniversal cable network Oxygen is launching five new series and recently renewed nine more, many with a focus on true-crime programming.

Social media platform Snapchat also saw lifts in several metrics including Word of Mouth Exposure, Impression, Satisfaction, Purchase Intent and Current Customer. Snap’s CEO and co-founder Evan Spiegel and his wife Miranda Kerr were in the news after donating more than $10 million to pay off the student loans of 285 new graduates of the Otis College of Art and Design in Los Angeles.

The Home Depot recently announced it will get into the venture capital business with Home Depot Ventures, a fund that will ”identify, fund and partner with early-stage companies to accelerate emerging technologies to improve customer experience and shape the future of home improvement”.

Summer is in full swing and with school letting out across the country this month, Walt Disney World Resorts’ lifts in Buzz, Impression, Reputation, Satisfaction, Quality, Consideration and Current Customer come at a good time.

Birkenstock also recently launched a line of summer-ready sandals and the sandal maker rounds out June’s Biggest Movers with improvements in five key areas: Word of Mouth Exposure, Buzz, Satisfaction, Purchase Intent and Current Customer status.


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Data for the Biggest Brand Movers compares statistically significant score increases across all BrandIndex metrics between the current and the previous month. Brands are ranked based on the number of metrics that saw a statistically significant increase from month to month. Metrics considered are:

Media & communication metrics

  • Aided Awareness – Whether or not a consumer has ever heard of a brand
  • Ad Awareness – Whether a consumer has seen or heard an advertisement for a brand in the past two weeks
  • Word of Mouth Exposure – Whether a consumer has talked about a brand with family or friends in the past two weeks
  • Buzz – Whether a consumer has heard anything positive or negative about a brand in the past two weeks (net score)

Brand perception metrics

  • Impression – Whether a consumer has a positive or negative impression of a brand
  • Value – Whether a consumer considers a brand to represent good or poor value for money
  • Reputation – Whether a consumer would be proud or embarrassed to work for a particular brand
  • Satisfaction – Whether a consumer is currently a satisfied or dissatisfied customer of a particular brand
  • Recommend – Whether a consumer would recommend a brand to a friend or colleague or not
  • Quality – Whether a consumer considers a brand to represent good or poor quality

Purchase funnel metrics

  • Consideration – If a consumer would consider a brand or not the next time they are in the market for a purchase
  • Purchase Intent – Whether a consumer would be most likely or unlikely to purchase a specific product
  • Current Customer – Whether a consumer has recently purchased/owns a given product or not

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