YouGov Behavioral: K-Drama and K-Pop Fandoms in the US

YouGov Behavioral: K-Drama and K-Pop Fandoms in the US

YouGov - June 17th, 2024
YouGov Behavioral - K-Drama and K-Pop Fandoms in the USDownload report

Leveraging YouGov Behavioral’s insights on media consumption, online search, and social media, this report explores the K-Drama and K-Pop Fandoms within the US.

Key Findings Include:

  • Netflix dominates with the Top 20 Most-Viewed K-Dramas within the US.
  • K-Dramas excel with minority audiences, with the Top 20 averaging a 30% Hispanic audience share against Netflix’s 17% Hispanic US subscriber base.
  • The contrast between Viewership and Online Engagement demographic shares is indicative of a notable Quiet Fandom for K-Drama comprised of Males and ages 45+.
  • Streaming subscription overlaps and online affinities show that the Netflix K-Drama audience is more likely to actively consume high volumes of content and qualify as serial streamers.
  • YouGov Profiles and Behavioral data indicate that 24.2% of individuals who have watched the Top 20 K-Dramas say they also listen to K-Pop. However, online conversation indicates there may be a more significant audience overlap, with the K-Drama Fandom serving as a gateway to the K-Pop Fandom and vice versa.