US Automotive Advertiser of the Month: Buick

US Automotive Advertiser of the Month: Buick

Christien Pheby - June 27th, 2022

Data from YouGov BrandIndex shows that Buick is the US Automotive Advertiser of the Month for May 2022. With Ad Awareness scores, a measure of whether consumers have seen an advertisement for a brand in the past two weeks, rising from 10.2 to 13.9 over the course of the month (+3.7), the car maker saw a larger uplift than any other automotive brand we track in our database.


Buick’s strong performance in May can be directly tied to its recent advertising efforts. Last month saw the airing of TV commercials for Buick’s 2022 Enclave SUV – with built-in Amazon Alexa. The spot focused on a family and used comedy to highlight the new voice assistant feature of the vehicle. Judging from the strong Ad Awareness results relative to the competition, it has at the very least succeeded in getting in front of its audience and lingering in their memories.