UK: Biggest Brand Movers - March 2021

UK: Biggest Brand Movers - March 2021

YouGov - March 25th, 2021

Data from YouGov BrandIndex reveals that Star – the recently-launched content hub that sits within the Disney+ streaming service – was the UK’s biggest positive brand mover among consumers between January and February 2021. The brand, which offers programming from ABC, a range of 21st Century Fox studios, and other Disney subsidiaries, launched on February 23 2021 in the UK.

The data is shared from the first in a new series of monthly YouGov BrandIndex Biggest Brand Movers which reveal the top five brands that are resonating the most positively among UK consumers across all BrandIndex metrics every month throughout 2021.


Star’s success comes down to a mixture of upward movements across several key BrandIndex metrics during its promotional campaign in early 2021.

Among media metrics – imperative for a newly-launched service – it saw a significant boost in Word of Mouth and Ad Awareness*. This increased awareness appears to have corresponded with increases in Star’s brand health metrics such as Awareness, Quality, Impression, Reputation, Satisfaction, and Recommend scores – and even Purchase Funnel metrics such as Consideration and Current Customer scores.

All 4, another television brand, took second place – likely thanks to It’s a Sin, which helped drive the platform to record-high streaming numbers in January 2021. All three media metrics (Ad Awareness, Word of Mouth, and Buzz) saw improvements, as did Index, Value, Impression, and Satisfaction scores. Current Customer scores also increased.

In third place was Quorn, which saw higher Ad Awareness and Word of Mouth scores. The brand launched a major campaign highlighting its sustainability credentials in 2021 by leveraging its relationship with Liverpool Football Club. Brand Health also improved, with boosts to its Value, Impression, Satisfaction, and Recommend Scores – while Purchase Funnel metrics such as Consideration and Current Customer scores rose in kind.

And with Brits possibly limited to a UK-based vacation this year, Center Parcs saw meaningful gains across its Brand Health metrics – with Index, Awareness, Impression, and Satisfaction climbing upwards – and its Media Metrics (Word of Mouth and Ad Awareness also rose).

Finally, Samsung Home Entertainment took fifth place thanks to its positive Brand Health metrics. Index scores increased, as did Awareness, Value, Reputation, and Recommend scores. Word of Mouth also improved.

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Data for the Biggest Brand Movers in March compared statistically significant score increases across all BrandIndex metrics between January and February 2021. Brands are ranked based on the number of metrics that saw a statistically significant increase from month to month. Metrics considered are:

Media Metrics

Ad Awareness – Whether a consumer has seen or heard an advertisement for a brand in the past two weeks

Word of Mouth – Whether a consumer has talked about a brand with family or friends in the past two weeks

Buzz – Whether a consumer has heard anything positive or negative about a brand in the past two weeks (net score)

Brand Health Metrics

Awareness – Whether or not a consumer has ever heard of a brand

Index – A measure of overall brand health that takes the average of Impression, Quality, Value, Satisfaction, Recommend, and Reputation scores

Quality – Whether a consumer considers a brand to represent good or poor quality

Value – Whether a consumer considers a brand to represent good or poor value for money

Impression – Whether a consumer has a positive or negative impression of a brand

Reputation – Whether a consumer would be proud or embarrassed to work for a particular brand

Satisfaction – Whether a consumer is currently a satisfied or dissatisfied customer of a particular brand
Recommend – Whether a consumer would recommend a brand to a friend or colleague or not

Purchase Funnel Metrics

Consideration – Whether a consumer would consider a brand or not the next time they are in the market for a particular product

Purchase Intent – Whether a consumer would be most likely or unlikely to purchase a specific product

Current Customer – Whether a consumer has purchased a given product or not within in a specified period of time