Swiping left on dating apps: why are some singles in Singapore hesitant to try out online dating?

Swiping left on dating apps: why are some singles in Singapore hesitant to try out online dating?

Samuel Tan - February 7th, 2024

What’s holding back singles in Singapore keen on finding their special one but have yet to try any dating apps so far?

In Part 2 of our three-part study on Dating app usage in Singapore: Popularity, Barriers and Perspectives, we explore the top barriers to dating app usage in Singapore, and how open singles who have yet to use dating apps are to trying them in the future.

Why are some singles not keen on trying out dating apps so far?

Latest research from YouGov Surveys shows that three-quarters (76%) of Singapore residents have never used a dating app before. When asked why, about the three in ten (29%) say they are not looking for a relationship at this point in time – the most common reason.

Among singles who are keen or open to finding a romantic partner, around a quarter cite concerns about being catfished / duped by fake profiles on dating apps (27%) and preferring to meet people (and possibly their significant other) in person (24%) as major reasons why they have not tried dating apps to date.

Close to a fifth point to privacy concerns – such as being unwilling to share with dating apps their personal details and dating preferences (19%) or photos (17%) – while a similar proportion are sceptical that dating apps can help them find a serious relationship (18%) or are not willing to fork out money (17%).

Notably, just a tenth (10%) say having to swipe through dating app profiles puts them off, while only 6% feel uncomfortable about introducing a someone they meet on a dating app to their friends and family.

How open are such singles to trying out dating apps in the future?

Among Singapore residents who are single and open to starting a relationship, a tenth (11%) say they are likely to try out dating apps in the future.

On the other hand, three in five (60%) say they are unlikely (not too / not at all likely) to consider using dating apps, while 29% say they would never use one.

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This article is part of our three-part study on Dating app usage in Singapore: Popularity, Barriers and Perspectives, which explores the popularity of various dating apps in Singapore, the kinds of relationships and qualities that various dating app users look out for, plus top reasons why other singles are hesitant to try out dating apps.

Explore the full series below:

Part 1 – Match, Chat, Love: Examining the popularity and usage of dating apps in Singapore

Part 2 – Swiping left on dating apps: why are some singles in Singapore hesitant to try out online dating?

Part 3 – What Singaporeans look out for in a romantic partner – and does this differ across dating apps?


Methodology: YouGov Surveys: Serviced provides quick survey results from nationally representative or targeted audiences in multiple markets. This study was conducted online in January 2024, with a national sample of 1,034 Singapore residents, using a questionnaire designed by YouGov. Data figures have been weighted by age, gender, and ethnicity to be representative of all adults in Singapore (18 years or older) and reflect the latest Singapore Department of Statistics (DOS) estimates. Learn more about YouGov Surveys: Serviced.

Cover photo by William Chua
