How Transport for Wales improved their new ad messaging within 24 hours with YouGov Surveys

How Transport for Wales improved their new ad messaging within 24 hours with YouGov Surveys

YouGov - June 7th, 2021


Understand whether new ad messaging resonated with its target audience.


Target a sample of people living in Wales to test two creatives.


Valuable insights on the best performing creative, as well as feedback on future messaging.


Business challenge

Transport for Wales wanted to test its new creatives to understand whether its messaging resonated with its target audience and would-be customers. Transport for Wales’ ultimate aim was to determine whether:

  • its new campaign could prompt a behavioral shift amongst people who travel on its trains
  • customers who are usually reluctant to book a seat reservation ahead of travel, would instead change their mind and opt to reserve a seat in advance.


Using YouGov Surveys: Self-serve, our rapid self-serve tool with granular profiling data, Transport for Wales was able to quickly target a sample of their target audience – people living in Wales – and show them two creative posters for their upcoming campaign. Survey questions were designed to reveal how easy respondents found it to understand the messaging, and asked whether the posters were likely to attract attention and interest.

The desired number of responses to the 13-question survey were achieved in just 24 hours, and the results were available immediately for the team at Transport for Wales to analyze.

The rich data that YouGov Surveys holds on all its members allowed Transport for Wales to target people in Wales only and provided the team with granular information and new insights on its target audience. Results were provided in YouGov’s powerful data analysis tool, providing deeper breadth and depth of results.



The findings showed that after seeing each creative, people were 51% percent more likely to make a seat reservation than before. The data highlighted that gross personal income had a direct correlation with how each creative performed.

Crucially, the data revealed that the language used in the creatives was confusing to respondents. The results have since informed the second round of the creative process, where different versions of the updated campaign messages were tested.

Client testimonial

“Our team have been extremely impressed with YouGov Surveys - it’s by far the quickest way of getting research turned around. It is a very intuitive platform to use, making it an incredibly efficient way of delivering insights to our key decision-makers. By using YouGov Surveys: Self-serve, we now have a tool that helps us to understand our customers in depth, in an extremely cost-effective way.”

- Rebecca Wilson, Marketing Manager at Transport for Wales

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