Global: Do consumers watch product reviews for toys on social media?
Social media reviews have become a key part of a consumers’ product discovery and purchase journey. While product categories like food, clothing and gadgets draw big numbers, reviews on platforms like Instagram and YouTube can play a big role in informing opinions with respect to toys as well. According to a recent YouGov survey, one in 10 global consumers tuned into toy reviews on social media over the last three months.
Food and clothing were the most watched product categories with more than a quarter of consumers viewing product reviews for these options. Toys were the least viewed category out of all the options listed.
Consumers that watch product reviews of toys on social media, by country
UAE tops the list with over two in ten (23%) consumers here saying they watched product reviews of toys on social media in the past three months. Consumers in Mexico are at a close second (22%).
On the other hand, the US (4%) and Great Britain (3%) account for the lowest shares of consumers globally who watch product reviews for toys on social media.
Focusing on Asia, Hong Kong leads with two in ten (20%) consumers having referred to product reviews of toys on social media in the last three months, followed by India and Indonesia (18% each). Singapore records a single digit score with less than one in ten (8%) consumers here watching social media product reviews for toys.
Moving onto mainland Europe, more than one in ten consumers in Spain and Poland (12% each) watch product reviews for toys. Germany records the lowest number in this region at less than one in ten consumers (7%).
When it comes to the Nordics, Denmark and Sweden have similar proportions of consumers (5% each) who watch product reviews for toys on social media - among the lowest, globally.
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Methodology: YouGov Surveys: Serviced provide quick survey results from nationally representative or targeted audiences in multiple markets. The data is based on surveys of adults aged 18+ years in 18 markets with sample sizes varying between 437 and 2045 for each market. All surveys were conducted online in June 2023. Data from each market uses a nationally representative sample apart from Mexico and India, which use urban representative samples, and Indonesia and Hong Kong, which use online representative samples. Learn more about YouGov Surveys: Serviced.
Photo by Huy Hung Trinh on Unsplash