Mystery research & neuromarket research
Find out first-hand how your customers perceive the purchasing process and the services of your company and use the results of neuromarket research to better understand the “why” behind the purchasing decision.

Market research in a real environment
We use existing and newly collected data to analyse your customers’ behaviour and extract valuable insights for your business. In order to better understand your target groups, the right research method must be selected based on your research question:
- Do you want to know how your customers use your product at home? We can find the answer in-home.
- Are you interested in understanding how your target group informs itself online about your organisation and your services? We accompany your customers and non-customers online during the search and purchasing process.
- Should your customers be categorised into different types that you then want to address in a segment-specific manner? We create qualitative and quantitative segmentation studies for you.

Mystery research for service evaluation
The key importance of optimising customer contact for new customer acquisition and customer retention requires continuous adaptation to the expectations of existing and prospective customers. Mystery research enables targeted controlling of the customer experience at all contact points.
Test subjects actively take on the role of (potential) customers, go through a real consultation or purchasing process and document their experiences. We then analyse this documentation in order to derive targeted optimisation measures. Based on these findings, you can introduce targeted measures and increase customer satisfaction in the long term.
Mystery research is currently only offered in Switzerland.

Neuromarketing – why customers buy
We give you powerful access to the implicit brain of your customers. Because, in order to manage your business better, you really need to understand your customers. This requires an understanding of intuitive behaviour.
The majority of purchasing decisions are made in the implicit brain, and every marketing measure leaves implicit traces in the brain, especially in the associative memory. We use modern neuromarket research methods, such as implicit association tests, EEG measurement and eye tracking, to show you what is happening in your customers’ minds. We provide you with a precise and clear explanation of the “why” of a purchasing decision from the customer’s perspective and help you gain evidence-based insights and make customer-focused decisions.
Neuromarket research is currently only offered in Switzerland.
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