Clocking out: US retirement report 2024

Clocking out: US retirement report 2024

YouGov - August 6th, 2024
Are Americans realistic about retirement?Download report

While retirement is an eventual goal for most Americans, the desired and expected age of retirement differs across generations. What’s driving this generational divide, and does each age group equally trust that they will be financially secure when they retire?

The report combines YouGov Profiles data of more than 4,000 near-retirees with insights from a global retirement attitudes survey containing more than 1,500 US respondents.

Download the report to learn:

  • When would Americans like to retire, and when do they believe they’ll be able to retire?
  • How does working with a financial advisor impact the confidence and ability of Americans as they prepare to retire?
  • Which sources of income do Americans expect to rely on once they retire?
  • How much of their annual income are Americans saving towards retirement?

The report concludes with a segmentation of three groups of Americans planning to retire in the next 12 months: Early retirees (under 55), mid-age retirees (55-64), and late retirees (65+).