Who are the top brands among wellness and sustainability focused travelers?

Who are the top brands among wellness and sustainability focused travelers?

Hoang Nguyen - September 26th, 2022

Tourism with a focus on wellness and sustainability has been on the rise for several years now. The two ideas have a strong connection to one another; after all, the more we try and understand what it means to be well, the clearer it becomes that we cannot sustain wellness without caring for the planet.

More and more, travel companies and destinations are addressing their role in environmental sustainability, especially with mounting pressure from consumers for brands to do so and profits to be made by engaging a key travel audience: Responsible Travelers (defined as those who take trips with sustainability and wellness in mind).

Discover what it takes for travel brands to build an authentic sustainability practice, according to YouGov’s Global Sector Head of Travel and Tourism, Eva Stewart.

YouGov has been tracking this audience type since 2020 and in a new report, Travel brands through the eyes of Responsible Travelers, we look at the travel companies that earn top marks in the eyes of these travelers in 2022.

We’ve ranked the top 10 travel brands in terms of Consideration among Responsible Travelers in 11 countries, including in key markets such as the US, UK, Australia, Canada, and the UAE. Inside, you’ll find data on some of the biggest names in travel, including Booking.com, TripAdvisor, Expedia, Airbnb, TUI, and Marriott.

The report also examines the places and destinations that appeal most to this group of travelers in specific countries.

Curious to learn more about Responsible Travelers in a particular country? Download the full YouGov Travel and Tourism Rankings 2022 here.

Let’s dive into a few insights from the new report on Responsible Travelers’ consumer attitudes and preferences that make this key travel audience stand out:

  • A passion for travel that leads to greater demand for it, both domestically and abroad. Roughly three in five Responsible Travelers say they are passionate about traveling. We’ve been tracking this type of traveler since the onset of the pandemic and in July 2022, more than three in five say they intend to take a domestic trip for leisure or business (67% vs. 56% of all global consumers). Demand for overseas travel is also stronger amongst this group (33% vs. 22%).
  • They rarely experience travel alone, meaning larger groups of travelers. In their most recent vacation, half (50%) of Responsible Travelers traveled with their partner, 34% with their children, 29% took a multi-generational trip, 32% went away with friends, whilst 6% traveled solo and 5% with pets.
  • They’re willing to place their wallets behind their opinions. Responsible travelers are more likely to buy from socially and environmentally responsible companies (61% vs. 44% of all global consumers.

There’s so much more to discover about this engaged and eco-conscious group of travelers, especially when you factor in the geographical nuances in each market. Read the full report to find out more about:

  • How to develop an effective sustainability program that makes a difference in inspiring travelers to travel more responsibly.
  • The top travel companies amongst Responsible Travelers in Australia, Canada, Finland, Germany, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Sweden, Thailand, the UAE, UK and US.
  • The most considered destinations amongst Responsible Travelers in Australia, Brazil, Canada, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Indonesia, Italy, Mexico, Norway, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Spain, Sweden, Thailand, the UAE, UK and US.

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