YouGov travel & destination rankings 2022 : Through the eyes of Indian Budget Travelers
The YouGov Travel & Destination Rankings 2022 India reveals the travel brands and destinations that score higher in terms of consideration amongst Indian budget travelers. These rankings are based on the data from our always-on brand tracker, YouGov BrandIndex and destination tracker, YouGov DestinationIndex.
Make My Trip has topped the list as the top travel brand with a consideration score of 47.6, whereas Goa leads the list of most preferred destinations. Discover what travel brands and destinations are most considered by Indian budget travelers.
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Top 10 Travel Brands

Top 10 Destinations

YouGov’s Budget Traveler travel & destination ranking 2022 is based on the data from our always-on brand tracker, YouGov BrandIndex and destination tracker, YouGov DestinationIndex. Both travel brands and destinations are tracked daily in India, enabling us to consistently and accurately measure consumer attitudes towards those brands (organizations in the travel industry and countries tracked in a dedicated YouGov BrandIndex sector survey).
YouGov's Budget Traveler travel & destination rankings 2022 show the travel brands and destinations with the highest Consideration scores between July 1st 2021 and June 30th 2022. The scores are mostly representative of the general population of Urban Indian adults (18+). Every brand in the ranking has a minimum sample of 100 and has been tracked for at least six months, with all scores being rounded to a single decimal place.
These rankings have zoomed in on how brands in the travel and tourism industry rank amongst the Budget Traveler segment i.e. those who set a travel budget and do their best not to go over the budget.
Get in touch to find out how YouGov can help your brand, for more information on rankings data and a free product demo.