YouGov's Q2 2022 US Gambling Market report
The second quarter of 2022 perhaps marks a turning point for the gambling industry as US gross gaming revenue (GGR) has shown signs of faltering in the face of rising inflation. However, there were in fact some areas of growth during Q2 from Q1, in both offline and online gambling activity, as our data showcases in our latest quarterly US gambling report.
Download the Q2 2022 issue of YouGov’s US Gambling Market Quarterly Report and receive:
- An update on the popularity of different online gambling activities over the last year
- The latest data revealing the top 5 sports regular gamblers wager bets on
- New insights on legalized US gambling States and uptake of online gambling
- Up-to-date ad awareness scores for leading sportsbook brands
- A profile of US NFL bettors, showing how this group differs vs. other sports bettors