Unfazed Holiday Shopper

America's Unfazed Holiday Shoppers

Profile Peek
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Adweek recently published YouGov research into American shoppers who plan to buy fewer items this holiday season than last year. This Profile Peek instead looks at the 27% of Americans who expect inflation to have “No impact at all” or a “Minor impact“ on holiday shopping in 2022, comparing their attitudes and behaviors against the 57% of Americans who expect inflation to impact their holiday shopping in 2022.

Download YouGov's latest Profile Peek and discover:

  • The earning and spending attitudes of Unfazed Holiday Shoppers
  • Which gifts they buy and why
  • The impact of sustainability and return policies
  • Bonus analysis on the demographics, financial attitudes, brand preferences, and media consumption trends of American Express considers

About Profile Peeks

Drawing on data from across YouGov’s vast connected data ecosystem, Profile Peeks are infographics that deep dive into a niche audience group segmented based on trending sector topics. Showcasing a range of behavioral and attitudinal insights they are designed to help brands and agencies get that little bit closer to the consumers they need to understand most.