SVOD Market US

Who subscribes to Apple TV+, Netflix, Amazon Prime Video and Hulu?

The SVOD market in the US
Download the full Profile Peek

36% of consumers in the US watch TV via video-on-demand streaming service once a day or more

Let's take a closer look at the SVOD market in the US. Who subscribes to Apple TV+, Netflix, Amazon Prime Video, and Hulu? What do these subscribers have in common and what sets them apart?

By using YouGov Safe’s fully opt-in, cross-device tracker, we can give you a verified and real-time 360 consumer view of network streaming subscribers.

Download the Profile Peek now to learn for each streaming service:

  • Key demographics
  • Politics and beliefs, including advertising attitudes
  • Hobbies and interests
  • Media consumption habits

About Profile Peeks

This data has been gathered from YouGov Profiles with YouGov Safe USA.

YouGov Safe gives you the truth about what consumers actually do across devices. Opt-in data gives you an unfiltered view of online actions. From search queries to social media interactions, streaming behavior to shopping purchases, unlock the intelligence you need to understand your audience completely.