COVID-19 Monitor

See how COVID-19 impacts your business

Unlock valuable information about COVID-19. With a proprietary panel of 22 million+ registered people worldwide, YouGov gathers global experiences of the pandemic to provide unique insight to health organizations. Access key data to understand and fight the spread of the virus.

Contact us

Health & Government

As part of YouGov’s commitment to the public good, we have partnered with world-leading epidemiology experts at Imperial College London to create a dataset that we share with public health organizations and government bodies, free of charge.

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We view YouGov’s COVID-19 data as a valuable public resource. To that end, we provide a range of data and resources to publishers and broadcasters to ensure the public has the most reliable information.


Our trackers provide insights to business owners and marketing strategists to make fact-based business decisions. YouGov’s COVID-19 Monitor is designed to measure consumer opinions, attitudes, and behaviours quickly and cost-effectively.

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