August Advertiser of the Month in Thailand– Google, Fun-O, and Lotus’s Go Fresh

August Advertiser of the Month in Thailand– Google, Fun-O, and Lotus’s Go Fresh

YouGov - September 26th, 2024

According to data from YouGov BrandIndex, which tracks perceptions toward brands on a daily basis, Google registered the biggest increase in Advertising Awareness for August 2024 of all brands YouGov tracks in Thailand. The technology giant saw an uplift of 9.98 percentage points in the observation period.

In August Google unveiled the latest installment of its #BestPhonesForever series titled “Summer magic.” The ad shows iPhone and Pixel 9 Pro starting a new chapter of friendship in which the former acknowledges the arrival of its counterpart in a playful manner. The teaser ads and promotional content around the launch of Pixel 9, among other things, seem to have positively influenced Google’s ad awareness.

Fun-O is the brand with the second-highest uptick in Ad Awareness. Its score increased from 15.90% on July 29 to 25.16% on August 25 (+9.26 percentage points).

Rounding up the top three brands with the biggest uplift in Ad Awareness this August is Lotus’s Go Fresh. The uplift of 9.13 percentage points could be associated with the parent brand's 30th anniversary celebrations.

Methodology: BrandIndex collects data on thousands of brands every day. A brand’s Ad Awareness score is based on the question: “Which of the following consumer brands have you seen an advertisement for in the past two weeks?” and delivered as a percentage. The data is based on the interviews of Thai adults aged 18+ between July 26 and August 25, 2024. Learn more about BrandIndex.