Women are more likely to be primary decision makers for grocery shopping, men for finance

Women are more likely to be primary decision makers for grocery shopping, men for finance

Kineree Shah - September 12th, 2024

New data from YouGov Profiles USA provides insights on household purchasing responsibilities, covering groceries, electronics, vacations, financial services, and cars.


Women are more likely to be the sole shoppers in their household for groceries, with 56% handling this responsibility compared to 43% of men. About 47% of men say they are partly responsible, while one in 10 men report no involvement in grocery shopping.


Men tend to be the main decision makers for electronics, with 53% stating they handle purchasing them on their own compared to 43% of women. About 42% of women and 37% of men say they share responsibility for electronics shopping.


Booking vacations is almost evenly split between men and women, with 45% of men and 42% of women saying they handle this responsibility.

Financial and investment services

Men are more likely to be the primary decision-makers for financial services, with 52% saying they lead these decisions compared to 42% of women. Joint decision-making is less common, but around a quarter of both men (24%) and women (29%) share the role in purchasing financial and investment services.


Car buying responsibility leans more towards men, with 49% stating they make this decision alone, while 39% of women report the same. Joint responsibility is significant in this category, with 36% of Americans adults saying they share the task of buying cars.

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Methodology: YouGov Profiles is based on continuously collected data and rolling surveys, rather than from a single limited questionnaire. Profiles data for the USA is nationally representative and weighted by age, gender, education, region, and race. Learn more about Profiles.