What do UK consumers think about retail take-back schemes? YouGov survey reveals

What do UK consumers think about retail take-back schemes? YouGov survey reveals

Janice Fernandes - September 9th, 2024

For a few years now retail giants like John Lewis and H&M have been offering consumers the opportunity to return used or unwanted items for recycling or reuse with take-back schemes. While these initiatives have gained some traction, the question remains: How have consumers responded to this sustainable practice?

A recent YouGov survey conducted among UK adults sheds light on consumer attitudes towards take-back schemes. While 18% of respondents have participated in such programmes, a notable demographic gap emerges: 25-34-year-olds are significantly more likely to have engaged in these initiatives (24%) compared to other age groups.

When asked about the benefits associated with take-back schemes, respondents primarily cite environmental concerns. Reducing waste (58%) and helping the environment (53%) are the most common motivations. Supporting brand responsibility (23%) and the potential for discounts or rewards (29%) also plays a role. Additionally, convenience factors like drop-off or home pickup (25%) are appreciated by many.

Age plays a role in perceived benefits. Older consumers, especially those aged 55+ (61%), are more likely to associate take-back schemes with reducing waste compared to younger generations (38% of 18-24-year-olds).

However, several factors can discourage participation. Limited return locations (40%), inconvenience of returning items (38%), and lack of awareness (35%) are common barriers. Difficulty understanding programme processes (21%), concerns about brand commitment to sustainability (15%), and perceived lack of environmental impact (9%) also deter some consumers.

Despite these challenges, a significant portion of UK adults express a positive attitude towards brands offering take-back schemes. According to the survey, 16% are very likely to support such brands, while 44% are somewhat likely. 

To further encourage participation, consumers suggest several improvements. More convenient return locations (38%), increased awareness (37%), clearer information about scheme processes (35%), better incentives (32%), enhanced transparency about environmental impact (22%), and more frequent or larger-scale take-back events (16%) are among the desired changes.

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Methodology: YouGov Surveys: Serviced provides quick survey results from nationally representative or targeted audiences in multiple markets. This study was conducted online on September 2-3, 2024, with a nationally representative sample of 2,060 adults in UK (aged 18+ years), using a questionnaire designed by YouGov. Data figures have been weighted by age, gender, education, social grade and region to be representative of all adults. Learn more about YouGov Surveys: Serviced.

Image: Getty Images