Thai residents show strong support for Marriage Equality Bill

Thai residents show strong support for Marriage Equality Bill

YouGov - July 31st, 2024

More than six in ten Thai residents (64%) have shown positive reactions to the recently passed Marriage Equality Bill by the Thai senate, according to the latest data from YouGov Surveys. Among those responding positively, 32% expressed happiness, 18% felt proud, and 14% were hopeful.

Women were more likely than men to express positive emotions, with 37% of females feeling happy compared to 26% of males. Among different age groups, Gen Z showed the highest levels of happiness (36%) and pride (24%), while millennials were more hopeful than others about this development (17%). Comparatively, only one in ten Thai residents (9%) expressed negative feelings, primarily concern (6%).

When asked about their views on same-sex marriage, most Thais said they support same-sex marriage (74%), with greater support among women (81%) than men (67%). Conversely, more men support civil partnerships but oppose same-sex marriage (21% vs. 13%). Furthermore, 76% of Thais report a change in their opinion on same-sex marriage over time, with 41% experiencing some change and 28% a great extent. Twenty-five percent report no change, while 6% indicate little to no change

Opinions on the societal impact of same-sex marriage are divided, with 44% believing it will have a positive effect, 42% neutral, and a small minority (5%) perceiving a negative impact.

The biggest perceived benefit of the bill for the LGBTQ community is access to legal benefits like inheritance rights and tax deductions for spouses (30%). Respondents who identified as gay and lesbian especially cited this as a benefit (53%).

Personal freedom is considered the next most significant advantage, although heterosexuals are more likely to see it as beneficial (30% vs. 15% among gay and lesbian respondents).

A quarter (24%) believe the bill will lead to greater social acceptance of the community, while 15% expect it to guarantee legal recognition.

Methodology: YouGov Surveys: Serviced provides quick survey results from nationally representative or targeted audiences in multiple markets. This study was conducted online from 18-23 July 2024, with a sample of 2,055 online adults in Thailand (aged 18+ years), using a questionnaire designed by YouGov. Data figures have been weighted by gender, age, socioeconomic class, city tier to be representative of the adult Thailand online population (18 years or older) and reflect the latest population estimates. Learn more about YouGov Surveys: Serviced.