Rested or restless: How well do Britons sleep?

Rested or restless: How well do Britons sleep?

Bhavika Bansal - June 3rd, 2024

A recent YouGov survey revealed that while 77% of Britons say they hope to sleep eight hours or more of night, just a quarter are typically able to grab eight or more hours of shut eye a night. The survey also offers insights on steps taken by Britons to improve their sleep quality including upgrading their bedding (40%), regularising their bedtime (40%), installing black out curtains (34%) and more.

A separate YouGov Surveys: Serviced poll of more than 2,000 adults in the UK further sheds light on how many Britons really feel well rested when waking up.

Data from the study reveals that nearly half of Britons say they get sufficient sleep to function optimally during waking hours (47%). However, 38% say they rarely feel well rested and 14% say they never feel well rested.

Taking a deeper look at the data by age, gender and employment demographics reveals further nuances.

Compared to nearly three-fifths of British women (57%), 46% British men say they have 'rarely’ or ‘never’ felt well rested when waking up since February 2024.

Our oldest polled cohort appears to be the most well rested of all – 56% of Britons aged 55 and above say they usually get sufficient sleep. 

On the other hand, middle-aged Britons are least likely to feel well rested when waking up. Two-thirds of respondents between the ages of 45 and 54 (66%) and nearly three-fifths of respondents aged 35-44 (58%) say they have ‘rarely’ or ‘never’ felt well rested when waking up.

Interestingly, retired Britons (59%) and full-time students (54%) are most likely to feel like they have grabbed enough sleep to function optimally during waking hours. A far smaller proportion of unemployed Britons or those who are currently not working say the same (33%).

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YouGov Surveys: Serviced provide quick survey results from nationally representative or targeted audiences in multiple markets. This study was conducted online on March 5- 2024, with a nationally representative sample of 2,199 adults (aged 18+ years) in Great Britain, using a questionnaire designed by YouGov. Data figures have been weighted by age, gender, education and social grade to be representative of all adults in Great Britain (18 years or older) and reflect the latest ONS population estimates. Learn more about YouGov Surveys: Serviced.