Tata Tea tops YouGov’s Ad of the month ranking In February

Tata Tea tops YouGov’s Ad of the month ranking In February

Bhawna Singh - March 12th, 2024

Tata Tea has registered the biggest increase in Advertising Awareness in India for the month of February 2024, of all the brands tracked by YouGov in the market. Data from YouGov BrandIndex, which tracks consumer perceptions toward brands on a daily basis worldwide, shows that Ad Awareness of the brand saw an uplift of 5.6 percentage points between 8th and 21st February 2024.

Recently released TVC for Tata Tea Premium with its ‘no compromise’ tagline has been gathering a good viewership among urban Indians since its launch on platforms like YouTube. While the ad depicts the frugal mindset of Indian shoppers, the message in the end is clear: quality matters, especially in the choice of tea.

According to data from YouGov BrandIndex, Tata Tea’s Ad Awareness score rose from a low of 31.1 on 8th February to a high of 36.6 by 21st February. Ad Awareness is a BrandIndex metric that measures the percentage of people who have seen an advert from a particular brand in the previous two weeks.

Next two brands on the list are both global chocolate brands that have seen their ad awareness scores grow. At second place, KitKat’s score saw an increase by 5.3%, between 26th January and 21st February.

Cadbury Dairy Milk saw its Ad Awareness climb 4.7 percentage points between 5th and 17th February. Samsung (uplift of +4.7) and Lay's (+4.6) were other brands that saw uplifts in their Ad Awareness during the four-week period.

Methodology: YouGov BrandIndex collects data on thousands of brands every day. A brand’s Ad Awareness score is based on the question: “Which of the following consumer brands have you seen an advertisement for in the past two weeks?” (% Yes). The change in scores for each brand is calculated by taking the difference between the highest and lowest scoring days within the period.

These surveys have been conducted from 26 January to 22 February 2024 using an online interview administered in English to members of the YouGov India panel of nearly 200,000 individuals who have agreed to take part in surveys.

While the panel represents adult urban internet users at large (18 years of age and above), who are able to read and understand English (and primarily NCCS A*), YouGov uses the quota sampling approach, maintaining certain quotas by age, gender, states and city tiers to have a representative sample. These quotas are derived basis Census 2011 data.

Currently YouGov tracks around 500 brands across 15 sectors in India. Learn more about BrandIndex.