Men have undergone more non-surgical beauty procedures than women in the past year

Men have undergone more non-surgical beauty procedures than women in the past year

YouGov - March 4th, 2024

YouGov has recently undertaken research to understand the popularity of current, non-surgical beauty procedures, as well as public approval of shifting health services.

Most Australians (70%) are aware of non-surgical medical procedures, such as filler, injectables, laser or Botox. Of this number, almost half (45%) said that they would consider undertaking a procedure of this kind.

19% would consider Botox, 33% laser, and 19% would consider other injectables or fillers.

More women would consider undertaking a non-surgical procedure than men, 26% contemplating Botox (compared to 12% of men), 38% laser (compared to 26% of men), and 25% other injectables or fillers (13% of men).

However, of the 70% who are aware of non-surgical procedures, more men indicated that they actually had undergone a non-surgical procedure than women in the last 18 months. 27% of men said they’d had any type of treatment done, compared to 24% of women.

8% of men had invested in Botox, 19% laser, and 11% other injectables or fillers. Comparatively, 10% of women had invested in Botox, 14% laser and 7% in other injectables or fillers.

Caroline Burgess, YouGov Director said, “We’re seeing some interesting trends in the relationship between different genders and non-surgical beauty procedures. Of those aware of treatments, more women would consider undergoing a procedure of this kind, however more men have actually gone through with the process.”

“In the past 18 months, men had undertaken laser as well as injectables or fillers comparatively more than women. The only procedure women had received more of was Botox.”

This study also investigated the popularity of the influx of new healthcare services. Uses of services like Tele Health (consulting with your healthcare provider remotely/over the phone), and InstantScripts (online scripts, and/or prescription medication delivered to your door), became a more popular practice during the COVID-19 lockdowns.

87% of Australians are aware of these new healthcare services. Of those aware, more than half (54%) said that they had recently used telehealth services, and 41% had used InstantScripts.

Of those who’d used Tele Health, 60% said that these services provided the same quality of experience compared to face-to-face consultations with a doctor. Almost one in five (19%), said that these services were better, with only 17% saying that their experience was worse than face-to-face services.

The approval for InstantScripts was far more notable, with almost half (47%) of those who’d used the service saying it was better than being issued a paper script from a doctor. 43% said the experience was the same, with only 8% saying it was worse.

86% of Australians, even including those who hadn’t used these new services before, indicated that they would certainly consider using them in future.

Almost three quarters of Australians (74%) said they would use Tele Health services, and 66% InstantScripts. Only 14% said they would not consider using either service.

Methodology: YouGov Surveys: Serviced provides quick survey results from nationally representative or targeted audiences in multiple markets. This study was conducted online in January 2024, with a national sample of 1,020 Australians, using a questionnaire designed by YouGov. Data figures have been weighted by age, gender, and location to be representative of all adults in Australia (18 years or older) as per the latest population estimates provided by the ABS. Learn more about YouGov Surveys: Serviced.