Cultural engagement in Britain – Frequency of visiting theatres, museums, zoos, and more

Cultural engagement in Britain – Frequency of visiting theatres, museums, zoos, and more

Kineree Shah - January 31st, 2024

Data from YouGov Profiles reveals the frequency that British adults visit various cultural and entertainment venues, from opera and ballet to theatre and museums.

Historic/attraction sites and museums hold a significant place in the hearts of Britons. One in 10 Britons visit historic/attraction sites at least once every three months and two in five attending at least once a year (48%). Museums follow closely, with 8% of adults visiting every quarter and 43% annually.

Theatre shows varied interests. While 6% of adults visit a theatre to watch a play quarterly, the number increases to 26% annually. The numbers for musicals and pantomimes are similar, indicating a consistent, though not overwhelming, patronage of theatrical arts.

Music gigs in arenas or stadiums, a modern cultural staple, are attended by 5% of adults quarterly and 30% annually.

Live comedy shows, ballet, contemporary dance, and classical music concerts have a niche but notable following. Comedy shows see 3% of adults attending quarterly, while ballet and dance attract a smaller percentage. Classical music concerts and jazz concerts are visited by 2% of adults every three months.

Opera, often perceived as an elite art form, has only 2% of British adults attending quarterly but 7% annually.

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Methodology: YouGov Profiles is based on continuously collected data and rolling surveys, rather than from a single limited questionnaire. Profiles data for Great Britain is nationally representative and weighted by age, gender, education, region, and race.