How PepsiCo DACH measured buying patterns to plan go-to-market strategies

How PepsiCo DACH measured buying patterns to plan go-to-market strategies

YouGov - January 9th, 2024

Global HQ: Harrison, New York, US

Founded: PepsiCo Inc. 1965

Facts & Figures

Employees: 318,000 worldwide

Market Cap: $ 235 billion

Tracking shopper behavior to anticipate and adapt to emerging trends.

Use case summary

PepsiCo Benelux continuously measures buying patterns to plan go-to-market strategies. Having clear shopper KPIs engrained in the business and being able to explain performance concisely has been a key unlock.

Business challenge

To say that PepsiCo is a data-hungry organisation is an understatement. In the last year, this has further intensified as there has been increased focus on shopper metrics. We now have short- and long-term penetration, frequency and volume/trip targets at a brand level, initiative level and retailer level, with stakeholders eager to understand the why behind performance.

Solution & research results

In order to help answer the why behind the performance, we are now looking at switching at a product and brand, retailer and even manufacturer within retailer level. We are also looking at further demographic splits (such as income, lifestage and region) to truly help us understand where the category, brand and retailer headroom is. For priority initiatives, we monitor the data monthly, understanding drivers of performance.

Business outcome

Having this data makes our retailer conversations a lot easier, moving our relationship with them from tactical to strategic and enabling us to provide clear recommendations on how to grow the category in a sustainable way. By having more information on demographics, we can pinpoint areas of category, brand and retailer white spaces, giving us direction on where we need to focus, but also with what. By monitoring data monthly, we can effectively keep our finger on the pulse and course-correct if necessary.

The enhanced continuous GfK data that we receive has helped to broaden the reach of shopper insights, both internally but also with retailers. Having clear shopper KPIs engrained in the business and being able to explain performance concisely has been a key unlock. The responsiveness and openness of the team is also very much appreciated.

Alex Foch
Shopper Insights Lead, Benelux at PepsiCo