UK’s Biggest Brand Movers (December 2023): Apple Mac tops

UK’s Biggest Brand Movers (December 2023): Apple Mac tops

Lesley Simeon - December 14th, 2023

Apple Mac gained upticks in an impressive 10 out of 13 YouGov BrandIndex metrics to claim the top spot in our list of UK’s Biggest Brand Movers for December 2023. In recent months, Apple announced a new Apple MacBook Pro line-up and followed it up with attractive Black Friday deals. The deals might explain why the parent company also finds a spot on our December rankings.

The UK's Biggest Brand Movers is a monthly report that spotlights the brands experiencing the statistically significant increases in the highest number of metrics among the companies monitored by YouGov BrandIndex on a month-to-month basis.

At a close second to Apple Mac, confectionary brand Quality Street made gains in nine out of 13 metrics including all of our purchase funnel metrics (Consideration, Purchase Intent Current Customer) and half of our brand perception metrics (Impression, Value, Satisfaction, Quality). It does seem like Quality Street’s recent ad paid off to some extent - the brand released a sustainability-focused, Christmas-themed rap video that pushed for recycling sweet wrappers. Parent company Nestle also changed flavours of select Quality Street chocolates and brought back the Coffee Crème flavour after nearly two decades.

BBC iPlayer follows in third position, with upticks in eight out of 13 metrics, including a clean sweep of the purchase funnel metrics.

Tech brand Apple, beverage brand Baileys, energy and home services provider British Gas and video game franchise Fortnite tie with upticks in seven metrics each. While Baileys and Fortnite made gains across all purchase funnel metrics, the former saw upticks in most of our media and communication metrics as well (Ad Awareness, WOM Exposure and Buzz). In addition to it being the holiday season, it’s important to note that Bailey’s unveiled a Christmas campaign featuring actress Hannah Waddingham of Ted Lasso-fame and offered heavy discounts via retailers like Tesco and Amazon.

British Gas makes a clean sweep of our brand perception metrics - Impression, Satisfaction, Quality, Value, Reputation, Recommend. Among the other initiatives the energy brand launched in recent months, British Gas offered customers free credit to tackle high-energy costs this winter.

The confectionary segment leaves a strong mark on our round up for this month with another two brands from this sector completing our list - with a total of three confectionary brands in our Biggest Brand Movers ranking for December.

Ferrero Rocher bags increases in six metrics, all of which fall under the media and communication, and purchase funnel categories.

Fellow confectionary brand Cadbury Heroes and snack brand KP feature in spots nine and ten respectively, with each recording gains in six out of 13 metrics. While Cadbury Heroes wins heavier among purchase funnel metrics, KP scores in brand perception metrics.

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Data for the Biggest Brand Movers in November compared statistically significant score increases across all BrandIndex metrics between September 2023 and October 2023. Brands are ranked based on the number of metrics that saw a statistically significant increase from month to month. Metrics considered are:

Media Metrics

Ad Awareness – Whether a consumer has seen or heard an advertisement for a brand in the past two weeks

Word of Mouth – Whether a consumer has talked about a brand with family or friends in the past two weeks

Buzz – Whether a consumer has heard anything positive or negative about a brand in the past two weeks (net score)

Brand Health Metrics

Awareness – Whether or not a consumer has ever heard of a brand

Quality – Whether a consumer considers a brand to represent good or poor quality

Value – Whether a consumer considers a brand to represent good or poor value for money

Impression – Whether a consumer has a positive or negative impression of a brand

Reputation – Whether a consumer would be proud or embarrassed to work for a particular brand

Satisfaction – Whether a consumer is currently a satisfied or dissatisfied customer of a particular brand

Recommend – Whether a consumer would recommend a brand to a friend or colleague or not

Purchase Funnel Metrics

Consideration – Whether a consumer would consider a brand or not the next time they are in the market for a particular product

Purchase Intent – Whether a consumer would be most likely or unlikely to purchase a specific product

Current Customer – Whether a consumer has purchased a given product or not within in a specified period of time

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Photo by Armand Valendez on Pexels