US: Understanding consumer opinion about used electric cars

US: Understanding consumer opinion about used electric cars

Janice Fernandes - November 10th, 2023

The market for electric vehicles has been gaining momentum in recent years. But what about used electric cars? How likely or unlikely as consumers to consider purchasing a second-hand EV? And what motivates or deters them from doing so?

According to recent YouGov Surveys: Serviced data, 52% of US adults are unlikely to consider buying a used EV, while 28% are open to the idea. Younger adults aged 18-34 (44%) are substantially more likely to be open to the idea, while those aged 55 and above (12%) are least likely to consider second-hand EVs.

What motivates consumers to consider purchasing a used electric car?

Among US adults who are likely to consider purchasing a used EV, reduced environmental impact (54%) is the most popular motivator. Lower operating and maintenance costs and availability of incentives or rebates for second-hand EVs would also serve as strong motivators, with 47% each of respondents valuing these factors.

Reduced environmental impact and lower operating and maintenance costs strongly influence the decision of 35-54-year-olds (55% and 52%, respectively) and those over 55 (68% and 66%) to consider purchasing a pre-owned EV. For younger Americans aged between 18 to 34, reduced environmental impact (47%) and availability of incentives or rebates (43%) are popular motivators.

Additionally, a substantial proportion of US adults (45%) find the lower purchase price compared to new EVs to be a compelling factor. This holds most true among the older age group (55+), where 63% see it as an incentive, compared to just 39% in the 18-34 age group.

The desire to experience electric vehicle technology garners interest from 42% of all respondents. The 35-54 age group shows a higher inclination toward this factor (47%), compared to those 55+ (31%).

About a seventh of consumers cite depreciation of new EVs as a motivator for choosing used ones (16%). This concern is slightly more prevalent among the 35-54 age group (20%).

What concerns and barriers have deterred individuals from considering the purchase of a used electric car?

Range anxiety takes the lead, affecting three-fifths of all respondents (61%), even making it a prominent factor across age groups.

Lack of charging infrastructure in the local area is another significant barrier, cited by 54% of respondents. Notably, this concern is more pronounced among those aged 55+ (59%) and less so among 18-34-year-olds (44%).

Additionally, more than two-fifths of US adults (44%) find higher operating and maintenance costs to be a barrier. High upfront costs for pre-owned EVs follow closely behind at 42%, while uncertainty about the vehicle's history and condition is a concern for 41% of respondents.

About a quarter 23% of these consumers perceive used EVs as being less reliable than new ones and 18% express concerns about the limited availability of second-hand EV models.

When seeking information, 45% of respondents who are likely to consider purchasing a used electric car turn to online research and forums. Those in the 55+ age group are most likely to conduct research in this way (59%).

Nearly a quarter of respondents (23%) turn to social media to get all information about second-hand EVs. Recommendations from friends or family (13%), dealerships (12%) and automotive publications and reviews (12%) round out all the other sources where US adults seek information about used electric cars.

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Methodology: YouGov Surveys: Serviced provides quick survey results from nationally representative or targeted audiences in multiple markets. This study was conducted online on October 30-31, 2023, with a nationally representative sample of 1,433 adults in the United States (aged 18+ years), using a questionnaire designed by YouGov. Data figures have been weighted by age, gender, education and region to be representative of all adults. Learn more about YouGov Surveys: Serviced.

Image: Getty Images