Nearly two in five consumers say AI will improve TV and film recommendations

Nearly two in five consumers say AI will improve TV and film recommendations

Lesley Simeon - October 5th, 2023

Since the emergence and rise of artificial intelligence (AI), consumers have grown to form strong opinions about the technology. While some are concerned about the spread of deepfakes and propaganda, others are placing bets on which tasks AI might execute better than humans. In this piece, we zero in on what consumers think about AI impacting TV and film recommendation.

According to a recent YouGov survey which asked consumers across 18 international markets about which activities they think AI will improve, worsen or have no impact on, more than two in five (43%) consumers feel AI will make things better when it comes to diagnosing medical diseases and conditions. A similar proportion (42%) have a similar sentiment when it comes to building a travel itinerary. When it comes to TV and film recommendations, 39% of consumers think AI will make things better.

Let’s now look at how consumers’ attitudes towards AI impacting TV and film recommendations differ by country.

Indonesia, UAE account for largest share of consumers that feel AI will improve TV and film recommendations 

Among all markets surveyed, Indonesia (61%) and UAE (60%) lead in saying AI will improve providing TV and film recommendations. Urban India (58%) follows at a close third.

Consumers in the US (24%) and France (27%) are the least likely to say AI will improve providing TV and film recommendations. In Great Britian, nearly three in ten (29%) consumers are of this opinion as well.

As for those who think AI will worsen the task of rounding up TV and film recommendations, consumers in France and Australia (21% each) are those most likely to say so, followed by those in the US and Great Britain (20% each).

Consumers in Asia are more likely than their European counterparts to opine that AI will enhance providing TV and film recommendations. As for those who say the technology will worsen the activity, the figures reported from Asia are in single digits.

In Europe, at least one in ten consumers say AI will worsen providing TV and film recommendations. On the other hand, over two in five (43%) consumers in Spain differ - they think AI will improve recommendations.

Finally in the Nordics, more than a third of consumers in Sweden (34%) and 30% of those in Denmark feel AI will make providing TV and film recommendations better.

When it comes to those who feel AI will have no impact on TV and film recommendations, figures across markets surveyed are more or less similar, with Hong Kong leading the list (37%) and Indonesia at the bottom (20%).

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Methodology: YouGov Surveys: Serviced provide quick survey results from nationally representative or targeted audiences in multiple markets. The data is based on surveys of adults aged 18+ years in 17 markets with sample sizes varying between 437 and 2045 for each market. All surveys were conducted online in June 2023. Data from each market uses a nationally representative sample apart from Mexico and India, which use urban representative samples, and Indonesia and Hong Kong, which use online representative samples. Learn more about YouGov Surveys: Serviced.

Photo by cottonbro studio onPexels