Canada: What do sports fans expect from sports organizations?

Canada: What do sports fans expect from sports organizations?

YouGov - August 24th, 2023

With the impact of recent movements such as Black Lives Matter and #MeToo, the avid sports fan has never cared more about social issues.

Equality and diversity & inclusion are two of the most important issues on their mind, and these fans value rights holders and athletes who also support these issues. Throughout the industry, fans are looking for sports organizations to lead the way regarding social responsibility and will hold them accountable if they fail to be authentic and transparent.

In this mini-report, topics are explored such as what sports fans want from brands, the causes they feel are acceptable for brands to take a stand on, and issues they look for their favourite sports teams to support.

This is a follow-up to YouGov’s recent sports whitepaper: Global Sports 2022: Uncovering the Socially Responsible Sports Fan, and the mini report aims to provide more context on the Canadian sports market, drawing comparisons to various comparable sports markets around the globe.