US: Denny’s gamifies its rewards program - What makes its diners sign up for loyalty schemes?
American diner chain Denny’s has launched an updated rewards program which will seek to leverage its consumers’ purchasing history to offer them personalised challenges to earn rewards. On signing up, consumers’ digital wallets will hold offers and challenges which they can attempt in order to move up loyalty tiers, to win rewards and to apply them to in-person, takeout, or delivery orders.
We look at YouGov data to see which factors encourage its diners to subscribe to loyalty programs.
According to YouGov Profiles - which covers demographic, psychographic, attitudinal and behavioural consumer metrics - Denny’s customers are more likely than the general US population to sign up for loyalty programs to access benefits like discounts, rewards, promotions and discounts.
For instance, 57% of Denny’s customers and 47% of the general US population subscribe to loyalty programs to benefit from in-store/online discounts and offers. More than a third (38%) of the restaurant chain’s diners join loyalty programs for discounts and rewards to other retailers and brands, and 36% of this group subscribes to loyalty programs for free products, services and experiences.
Denny’s customers are also more likely than the general population to sign up for loyalty schemes to be among the first to know about promotions, discounts and other news from the brand (26% vs. 17%).
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Methodology: YouGov Profiles is based on continuously collected data and rolling surveys, rather than from a single limited questionnaire. Profiles data for the US is nationally representative and weighted by age, gender, education, region, and race. Learn more about Profiles.
Photo by Zac Gudakov on Unsplash