Toothpaste battle royale: Analysing conversion rates of leading oral care brands

Toothpaste battle royale: Analysing conversion rates of leading oral care brands

Hoang Nguyen - June 28th, 2023

Brand conversion funnels can serve as effective customer journey models to identify areas for improvement and growth.

The funnel metaphor illustrates the gradual decline of the number of potential customers as they are guided through the lower stages of the funnel towards becoming paying customers.

Let’s look at how three well-known oral hygiene brands in the UK do at converting consumers towards buying their products, from Awareness to Consideration and finally Purchase Intent.


Colgate demonstrates a high Awareness score, with 94.2% of UK consumers saying they are familiar with the brand.

Building upon this, Colgate’s Consideration score is the highest of the three brands in this analysis, sitting at 43.6% of UK consumers who say they would consider buying from the brand the next time they’re in the market for this type of good. This translates to a 46% conversion rate from the Awareness stage to the Consideration stage.

Colgate’s Purchase Intent score of 15.5%, a measure of how likely someone would be to purchase a specific product from a brand, corresponds with a conversion rate of 36% from the Consideration stage.


Similar to Colgate, Oral-B also has a high level of brand recognition among the UK audience, with 94% of consumers saying they’re aware of the brand.

Roughly a third (31.7%) of UK consumers say they would consider buying from Oral-B, indicating a conversion rate of 34% from Awareness to Consideration.

The brand’s Purchase Intent score of 8.6% reveals a conversion rate of 27% from the Consideration stage to the Purchase Intent stage.


While Sensodyne’s Awareness doesn’t match that of Colgate’s and Oral-B's, most consumers are still familiar with the brand (84.7).

The brand’s Consideration score of 23 signifies a conversion rate of approximately 27% from aware consumers to considerers.

Sensodyne makes up for lower Awareness and Consideration in the final stage of the purchase funnel. The brand’s Purchase intent score of 7 reveals a conversion rate of 30% from the Consideration stage to the Purchase Intent stage.


Looking at the conversion rates at the Purchase Intent stage, Colgate leads the way with a conversion rate of 36%, followed closely by Sensodyne at 30% and Oral-B at 27%. Colgate’s consistent performance across all stages showcases its dominant market presence.

Although Sensodyne has a lower Awareness score, it demonstrates significant progress in converting consumers from Consideration to Purchase Intent, highlighting the brand’s competitiveness in the oral hygiene market.

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Photo by Henrik Lagercrantz on Unsplash