Assessing consumer attitude towards personal use of AI in the UK

Assessing consumer attitude towards personal use of AI in the UK

Kineree Shah - June 27th, 2023

As artificial intelligence (AI) increasingly integrates into our daily lives, shaping interactions, transactions, and experiences, consumer sentiment about the technology in the UK remains strikingly divided. Although AI's influence is evident across industries and society, the enthusiasm to adopt this technology for personal use is not unanimous.

Data results from a recent YouGov survey paints a mixed picture of the UK public's readiness to embrace AI. Two in five consumers showed an interest in using AI for personal purposes in the future (notwithstanding that many be already unwittingly using it). On the other hand, almost half (46%) of consumers expressed a lack of interest, marking a slightly higher degree in the UK population of those showing hesitation.

Among adults aged 18 to 34, interest in adopting AI stands strong, with more than half of consumers expressing interest (56% each). But as age increases there is a steady decline. Conversely, the lack of interest grows from one-third (34% and 31%) in the youngest group (18 to 24 and 25 to 34 respectively) to nearly three-fifth (57%) in the oldest (55 and above), suggesting an inversely proportional relationship between age and AI adoption enthusiasm.

Further scrutiny of the survey data reveals another dimension of disparity when we consider gender. Male consumers appear more inclined to welcome AI into their personal space, with half of them (49%) expressing interest. In contrast, the interest level drops to one-third (32%) among female consumers.

Among those expressing interest in adopting AI for personal use, nearly three in five (58%) say that they have a good understanding of how AI works and its potential applications. However more than one-third (36%) disagree with the statement, underscoring the need for continued efforts in consumer education about the capabilities and limitations of AI.

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Methodology: YouGov Surveys: Serviced provide quick survey results from nationally representative or targeted audiences in multiple markets. This study was conducted online on May 2023 with a nationally representative sample of 2,015 adults in UK (aged 18+ years), using a questionnaire designed by YouGov. Data figures have been weighted by age, gender, education, region, and race to be representative of all adults in UK market (18 years or older), and reflect the latest ONS population estimates. Learn more about YouGov Surveys: Serviced.

Photo by cottonbro studio on Pexels